Just In
for Save me!

5/10/2012 c3 9Fangirl4ver
danny you jerk! My inoccent Yugi did it? I like Jack he is nice...Danny is a jerk! Ingoring my Yugi like a disease! Ahhhhhhhh...great job with the ideas:D lol (sorry about not reviewing...I have been bussy)

-forever keep writing
5/8/2012 c5 2ghoulbon
*dies* evil cliffie is evil XD Awwww Yami's too good to him! *sighs*
5/7/2012 c4 ghoulbon
*chuckling* I love Yami's wisdom in this XD it makes me lol :) I'm eagerly awaiting the next one!
5/7/2012 c4 7redconvoy
I see where this is going. It's going to backfire because Danny is an idiot and Sarah will get him.
5/6/2012 c3 2ghoulbon
HDHDKWOSJSUWDT JFCK FRRRG. By now I would've yelled at Danny for being an asshole and dumped his sorry ass. But Yugi's too sweet for that... *sigh* when is someone gonna smack some sense into him?
5/6/2012 c3 9Messenger-angel-of-hope
cool i like this storie
5/6/2012 c2 Messenger-angel-of-hope
cute *fangirl speak* i really like the end and that yami is abule to get yugi to stop and think
5/6/2012 c2 7HeartXCrossbones
This is interesting! Please update soon!
5/6/2012 c2 9Fangirl4ver you dont care about my review:( ooooooooooo (crying) wheres my Yami? I want him to make me feel better:) lol I really like this, its different:) I know you might not like it NOW but you could do soooooo much with this story! Think about it! For example Danny hits Yugi, Sarah tries to get Yami because she only wants to hurt Yugi, or Yami finds out some intersting things about Yugi: bullies, friends, and some other secrets! Egypt dont give up girl look I like this story and some others do as well:) Think about this, its just to practice writing this:) PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE

-forever keep writing
5/4/2012 c1 Fangirl4ver
OMR I was like no way Yugi and yami are not together? Sarah sounds like Tea a bit:P lol also, I love this idea:) True i WISH i have more to read...meaning UPDATE:) I really want to know what is happening! Danny you remind me of my boyfriend...which is bad but Yugi dump his ass! If you are scarred of him thats never gooooood! Lol please update asap

-forever keep writing

*Dont forget your amazing details:)
5/2/2012 c1 2ghoulbon
It's been a while since I've read a good angst story... I like it, it's quite interesting.
5/1/2012 c1 18InuVampireChan
Awww why cliffy! Poor Yugi! I like this i hope you update soon!
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