Just In
for Boy

6/27/2012 c3 ilovefriedrice
That was GREAT! Updaaaate!
6/27/2012 c3 4Steph A15
I completely Loved this chapter it was super cute like I said before. It was an awesome chapter and I can't wait until you update.

and yes I am waiting for you to update can players change but I get how stressful it can be to write and update your stories and then find a bunch of mistakes and things you would have done differently so take your time with it and update when your happy with your work.
6/27/2012 c2 Steph A15
Awwww I think Edward is jealous of little Alice.
6/27/2012 c1 Steph A15
i Loved it it's sooo cureI think more so than all your other stories. I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter.
6/25/2012 c3 facethemusicinurheart
loved it! There was so much detail about the car i loved that part the most update soon please
5/26/2012 c3 25sexymama25
Interesting story can't wait to find out what happens next
5/3/2012 c3 XSmileyX121
LOL, sorry about that!

Anyway.. Awesome story! UPDATE. (:
5/3/2012 c3 XSmileyX121
I'm too lazy to l
5/1/2012 c3 kimee16
love your story hope to read the next chapter soon
5/1/2012 c3 1LyndsBaby
Updated soon please
5/1/2012 c3 emochick920
I love this (:

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