Just In
for The Plan

12/17/2016 c1 Guest
Good story, but Dragoon is missing some of the fast double-talk he usually does.
9/15/2016 c1 Tater Tots
Well well I see my ship is still sailing! seriously I can't even tell you why I ship it. I JUST DO.

Rating: 9 on the Richter Scale (OTP ALERT!)
7/30/2016 c1 Adele
This could be a great series.
7/30/2014 c1 thisisup-upisno
Merlin has too much fun with these sorts of things. But that's why we love him.
5/1/2013 c1 dumb
hummmm dumb?
10/20/2012 c1 chele the original
Well done on the old Merlin. I could picture him talking to morgana.
6/20/2012 c1 6Sorcerer's Scone
I say Yes, yes please do make more of these! They're wonderful.
5/4/2012 c1 15cutesyclara
I really like this so far! please continue and update soon!

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