Just In
for Don't Walk Away

9/19/2023 c8 Caren47
Awesome story!
1/2/2021 c6 ChristinaS
You have a very vindictive sense of humor!
11/25/2020 c8 elizabethdae
This was a really story! Such a good read. Thank you for sharing!
5/26/2020 c8 12Babefan2019
Great story. I love stories when Stephanie takes charge of her life. Thanks for sharing.
2/25/2020 c8 Buddy'sBabe
Good one
7/24/2019 c6 Vicki Snyder1
This was really a great story to read. I always love watching Ranger and Steph come together and finally have their HEA. And you did a good job with that! Thank you :-)
6/21/2019 c8 Vicki Snyder1
This story was great! You did a good job of bringing them together, a really really god job. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with us.
12/2/2017 c8 1Shanita67
Excellent job
2/11/2016 c8 melyons
Go Range dude.
2/11/2016 c7 melyons
He finally figured it out. Give Ranger a Smartie.
2/11/2016 c6 melyons
Joe is a dawg.
2/11/2016 c5 melyons
Boy she caved pretty fast.
2/11/2016 c4 melyons
Ranger can be such an ass and sweet as can be. All in the same evening.
2/11/2016 c3 melyons
Ranger is an evil dude.
2/11/2016 c1 melyons
You know we all love Ranger but honestly I can't blame Steph for sticking with Joe when he hurts her like that. Yeesh. Good start.
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