Just In
for Don't Walk Away

12/26/2012 c8 Rangeralltheway
Really enjoyed this story, thanks.
7/13/2012 c8 carrotmusic
Outstanding story! I especially enjoyed the way you handled Morelli - having him get shot was just the best plot moment. Thanks for sharing!
6/26/2012 c1 hibabe
Love it!
6/3/2012 c8 nancd24
this was a great story, thanks for writing it. Hope there's a sequel!
6/3/2012 c8 christibabe
I really enjoyed your story. Thanks for sharing it.
6/2/2012 c8 Atlanta Babe
I enjoyed the story, you did a great job!
5/28/2012 c8 rangerbabe.1
Cut ending
5/23/2012 c8 1callmecosmo
Great story. I think you could add an epilogue that lets JoMo suffer just a little more while R&S shine!
5/14/2012 c8 babe4ever52
Just read this story and really enjoyed it. Love a Babe HEA. Looking forward to your next story!
5/11/2012 c8 9queenie
What a wonderful story. I loved how it was written, and I loved how it all came together. Wonderful!
5/10/2012 c8 1CTBabe1202
What a nice read- the ending made me warm & fuzzy, thanks!

- R
5/10/2012 c8 mssmith
Good little story...any story where JoMo gets his is a good one, right? Thank you for sharing, you should write more.
5/9/2012 c8 HARLEY13
Great story, excellent writing and super smut! Good job!
5/9/2012 c8 Barb4psu
Awesome chapter!
5/9/2012 c8 Tiggy318
Great story!
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