12/3/2013 c5 amd5551
Aww such a wonderful sweet story. Keep on writing honey :) Happy endings like these should keep happening!
Aww such a wonderful sweet story. Keep on writing honey :) Happy endings like these should keep happening!
1/9/2013 c3 xevg-x
"I bet he looks great naked, do you think I could borrow him sometime?" My best part of this chap XDDDDD
"I bet he looks great naked, do you think I could borrow him sometime?" My best part of this chap XDDDDD
6/12/2012 c5 ydolem11
Just finished reading your story. It was great! There were a few grammatical mistakes that you could fix, but the plot line was perfect, and you nailed the characters!
Keep up the good work.
Just finished reading your story. It was great! There were a few grammatical mistakes that you could fix, but the plot line was perfect, and you nailed the characters!
Keep up the good work.
5/16/2012 c5 Jean1
Ah. So sweet. Poor Logan.
Ah. So sweet. Poor Logan.
5/14/2012 c5 2ballofspite
That purposal was beautiful! No wonder Rogue was crying! I loved the sex on the grand piano was unacceptable. I loved this story! I can't wait for more of your great stories!
That purposal was beautiful! No wonder Rogue was crying! I loved the sex on the grand piano was unacceptable. I loved this story! I can't wait for more of your great stories!