Just In
for Home Is Where The Heart Is

2/14/2016 c5 4danielemlac
linda história!
12/5/2015 c5 4Fandomgirl1012
This is so cute, and I loved the future ending!
10/11/2014 c4 nekochan1994
How did they become friends so quickly?
10/11/2014 c1 nekochan1994
Logan's gonna kill them
7/25/2014 c5 12The Great Fanfiction Wizard
12/3/2013 c5 amd5551
Aww such a wonderful sweet story. Keep on writing honey :) Happy endings like these should keep happening!
1/9/2013 c4 2xevg-x
Finally Wolvie says "bub" yay!
1/9/2013 c3 xevg-x
"I bet he looks great naked, do you think I could borrow him sometime?" My best part of this chap XDDDDD
1/9/2013 c1 xevg-x
Girl, what a good way to explain the way she learn to control her powers!
6/12/2012 c5 ydolem11
Just finished reading your story. It was great! There were a few grammatical mistakes that you could fix, but the plot line was perfect, and you nailed the characters!

Keep up the good work.
5/16/2012 c5 Jean1
Ah. So sweet. Poor Logan.
5/14/2012 c5 2ballofspite
That purposal was beautiful! No wonder Rogue was crying! I loved the sex on the grand piano was unacceptable. I loved this story! I can't wait for more of your great stories!
5/14/2012 c5 Purple Majestic
i loved the ending!
5/14/2012 c5 1fannut
That was a beautiful ending. Good job.
5/13/2012 c4 Purple Majestic
i love it when logan says bub.
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