Just In
for Rejected Replicas

8/14/2019 c1 52Temple Cloud
'I'm the unwanted bastard without father or mother to lay claim to me...' oh, Mark, your parents are hoping you'll get in touch with them every bit as much as Miles is - they're just more patient in waiting for you to decide when it's the right time. But (and I know you don't want to hear this) one of the many, many things you have in common with Miles is a tendency to melodramatic self-pity.
11/11/2015 c1 Leto Okami
XD this is funny AF XD.
10/7/2013 c1 triggerpoints
Very amusing, even though I don't know what universe Asch the Bloody is from.
5/7/2012 c1 6AngelAdept
This was good for a laugh. Several, in fact. XD My only complaint is that it's too short. ;) WHAT the heck were they drinking that got them completely wasted so fast...? O_o

I would place this on the Tales of the Abyss timeline sometime between the lowering of the Outer Lands and the sacrifice of the replicas at the top of the Tower of Rem, or maybe shortly after that.

This is probably a completely evil idea, but what would happen if Mad Miles was sent to imperially audit Auldrant's fomicry technology (post-Cryoburn and post-return of Luke) and ended up at cross-purposes with Jade...? You can take that one and run with it, if you like - I won't have time to since that idea would call for several chapters, probably at least ten. Or at least, I won't have time to write it, but I could help you edit it if you actually decide to tackle that plot premise. *evil grin*

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