Just In
for Remembering Budapest

3/6/2020 c6 ReadLikeHermione
3/28/2019 c6 1julzdagger88
Love this! Thanks so much for posting! Great job!
12/7/2017 c6 Guest
Very good. Next time, please add more sex content to it. Other than that, pretty good
8/10/2016 c6 3emilyhotchner-olicity-bethyl
my clintasha babies! we could have had it all!
8/10/2016 c5 emilyhotchner-olicity-bethyl
yey finally!
8/10/2016 c4 emilyhotchner-olicity-bethyl
still wanna say. hawkeye is so underappreciated. he is my fave superhero ( besides batman) we could have had great clintasha but whedon fucking ruined it
8/10/2016 c3 emilyhotchner-olicity-bethyl
oh no
8/10/2016 c2 emilyhotchner-olicity-bethyl
my clintasha heart! feeeeeeeelssss!
8/10/2016 c1 emilyhotchner-olicity-bethyl
8/20/2015 c6 Cari
I love you. Just. Thank you!
8/3/2015 c6 4Spitfire303
:-D i adore this :-P
5/3/2015 c6 Guest
3/29/2015 c6 64Bunnylass
I really liked this! Loved it even. I came on here with no intention of reading, but actually writing myself. But then I got caught up and stumbled across this and I'm very glad I did! It was brilliant, thank you so much for sharing. :)
3/15/2015 c6 5KateKatieHawkeye
I Love it. Except the part when Maria kiss him, but it doesn't matter UuU
12/16/2014 c5 Guest
Very good! I love it! Characters are very credible.
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