Just In
for Remembering Budapest

3/1/2013 c1 1pixiestix16
"On the shawarma?" Dr. Bruce Banner nodded mildly. "It was okay."

It was *okay*.

1/11/2013 c6 79NCISVILLE
CONGRATULATIONS! You finished writing an amazing story. Loved every bit of it. Thx for the fun!
1/11/2013 c5 NCISVILLE
Daw I love Clint. Great chapter!
1/11/2013 c4 NCISVILLE
Lol great chapter, wonderful really.
1/11/2013 c3 NCISVILLE
So overwhelmed with feels! Gaahh great chapter! It was beautiful and perfect and sad.
1/11/2013 c2 NCISVILLE
Dang hell of a way to end the chapter. A really awesome chapter at that. They should make a movie called, Budapest. It'd be so amazing. Great chapter!
1/11/2013 c1 NCISVILLE
Dang some NaCl already. You move fast, but hey I'm not complaining and can I just say, I love the extra scene. I don't know why but the first time I saw it I couldn't stop laughing. Great chapter!
12/13/2012 c6 26amandald98
Wonderful story! You're writing style is so descriptive, yet not long and drawn out! One of the best Budapest and possibly Avengers fanfiction I have read, I enjoyed every moment of reading this! Great work, and thank you!
10/11/2012 c6 2wmjosephine
So good! I think you pretty much said everything that we have all wanted to say but have felt too awkward or embarrassed to say:) I really liked it and your description was really good! You should definitely add on! What happens next? New mission? New bad guy? Please! More!
10/6/2012 c3 Guest
Hi, love it, just noting something: if this is after Shawarma and therefore after The Avengers, Agent Coulson would be dead. Unless you mean someone else. No-one else probably noticed it, just saying. But I think this is great anyway! Thanks so much for posting!
10/6/2012 c2 Guest
Wow. These first two chapters have been amazing. And I absolutely love the way you made Clint say "I fell in love with you" rather than "I love you". 'I fell in love with you' is much more...well, sentimental, I guess. Sweet. Perfect. Thank you, can't wait to read the next chapters.
10/5/2012 c6 1Hermiola
Lovely, tasteful and well written. Loved it.
9/3/2012 c6 Pinnatus
I was definitely wondering about Budapest when they mentioned it in the movie, and I have to say this could definitely be a very real possibility. I like how you incorporated flashbacks, the movie and a post movie scenario. It was very well written and I'm glad you posted it! Go Clintasha!
8/21/2012 c6 2Blazing Ace

Thanks for the awesome fic!
8/14/2012 c6 42sillym3
Holy mothership of romance! Kirsten, you write so well at any genre in any fandom. And this,a jewel.
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