Just In
for Remembering Budapest

5/22/2012 c6 DarianMograin
I can't believe the story is over! This was one of the most touching and beautiful love stories I've ever read. A perfect blend of drama, angst, and romance. You captured the emotions beautifully and with detail without going too over the top. Instant favorite.

Can't wait to see what else you write.
5/18/2012 c6 fAnFicLover0147
this is hands down-the best clint/nat fic i have read so far :D amazing job, u are a genius!
5/18/2012 c6 Olimpia
Absolutely loved this! One of my favourites! :D
5/16/2012 c6 21CloudyCass
5/15/2012 c1 7The PinK BandiT
Oh my god! i found this story the other day and fell absolutely in love with it, but i lost it because i wasn't logged in! my life is literally complete now. Thank you!
5/15/2012 c6 3Saskia the Head V.M.D
Hey! This story was really great :) I'm a Natasha/Clint shipper myself, and this was just... Well perfect. :) you should write some more about them

5/15/2012 c6 19Dine7184
That was one of the best stories I've ever read. You captured them so perfectly and my heart actually skipped a beat now and then. :) So beautiful! Very well done!
Very cute story. I loved your plot line and the development you had in each chapter without making the story seem rushed. Excellent small fix. Good job. Keep up the good work.
5/14/2012 c6 samandy11
I saw this movie on Saturday, and Clint and Natasha are all I can think about. I was so excited to see your name pop up in a search, because I knew I was in for a good story. And I was so right. ) If you know of anymore, please let me know. I'm obsessed!
5/14/2012 c6 23justawritier
This was great. You write so well.
5/14/2012 c6 2KatieLovesPeterPan
AMAZING STORY! I loved it so much :) I also over how you portrayed Clint and Natasha.
5/14/2012 c6 Guest
Most beautiful thing ever! I'm definitely favoriting this when I get home!
5/14/2012 c6 70yaba
Beautiful. I really liked the back story you created and how you made them both seem more in touch with their feelings on a human level. Sometimes, when super heroes are involved, you forget that they're just as vulnerable when it comes to love. This was beautiful. Well done :)

5/13/2012 c6 3Andrien
First of all, I just can't say enough about how much I loved this story. Your style of writing feels very simple to me, easy to read, but is descriptive and enticing.

Your characterization is great. I just-I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Honestly, I try to be more constructive and less of a fangirl when I review, but all I can really say is that I would LOVE to read more your writings about Clint and Natasha. Really. Please. So much.
5/13/2012 c6 1Kaylee21
Such an amazing story! I can't tell you how much I loved it. I can't wait to read more of your stuff both old and new...though I will admit I hope that you give us more of these two at some point. Terrific job!
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