Just In
for Remembering Budapest

5/12/2012 c6 6AreYouSirius-questionmark
very cute thank you :)
5/12/2012 c6 Miss Margarine
D'aw, what a couple. Great writing, great characterization. Thanks for posting!
5/12/2012 c6 3ClaireinSorcia
That was amazing. I definitely felt like this fit perfectly with the movie, and I really did see that pairing in my head as well. I love the detail. Just wonderful.
5/12/2012 c6 3WandaCarla
Awesome possum! I can't wait to read the captin America fic that's bound to be entertaining! Sad to see your story end but glad I got to read it. Thanks (:
5/12/2012 c6 Sandy Sue

Excellent dialog. I can hear Scarlett saying "Don't be adorable. I'm really asking." and Jeremy saying, "That's my girl."

Thanks for the scrumptious ride. I'll definitely be waiting for Cap to show up.
5/12/2012 c6 50Audrey Lynne
Beautiful. The more I see Avengers, the more I want to ship Clint and Natasha! Loved this take on it.
5/12/2012 c6 Willow
5/12/2012 c6 41Madj
What a great story! I love a happy ending. :)
5/12/2012 c6 24Mrs. Data
This is amazing! I loved how they were nuanced and in character. It was romantic without being sappy or over the top. Fantastic!
5/12/2012 c6 2strangencounters
I love you for this. It is amazing!
5/12/2012 c6 Emma
I have loved reading this! When I saw Avengers the first time, I got back to talk to a friend and kept saying, 'What happened in Budapest?' Then a week later you write this and for the moment my friend now has peace from me going over Budapest! I'm weird like that. (I also want to see the story after the happy ever after in everything too!)

Great job! Look forward to the Captain America one!
5/12/2012 c6 13SIGF
Wonderful close to a wonderful story.
5/12/2012 c6 majorettegirl13
purely are so talented. just such a wonderful story!
5/12/2012 c6 4rubberduckiesrock
Oh, god so many feelings! Happy cos of these two and sad because the best fic of them is over!

Please do some more, you write them perfectly!

5/12/2012 c5 isis
Awesome! Soo good. I love this story and you have done an amazing job with it! Can't wait for the next chapter though will be very sad if it is the last...
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