Just In
for Time at World Academy!

6/8/2012 c8 2Beatroll
Question: Why is France always trying to rape Tori?

Answer: My writing partner, Jacky (Who I'm glad to write with because she's a fun writer), likes writing for France.

- Yes, yes, I DO. XDDD Just gotta love Francis.. :3

Though I guess the thing's gettin' old somehow. xDD;

5/27/2012 c7 72white pedal
If Ivan can knock Tori down like that! I hate to see what Russia will to the others in the 2014 winter Olympics:(
5/26/2012 c1 FireSparrow
Very well written, the plot line quiet is interesting. :)
5/24/2012 c6 white pedal
A lot of people really want to f*&# Tori?
5/22/2012 c5 10NinjaTerra
Sorry I didn't write the paragraph thing. -_- I wasn't able to get back onto Skype for a while...Still, really good though! And yay for Poland and Lithuania being introduced!

Write on,

5/22/2012 c5 72white pedal
5/20/2012 c4 10NinjaTerra
Awesome story so far! Tori is a really cool and interesting character. And all the others were perfect. Keep up the good work.

Write on,

5/18/2012 c4 72white pedal
Yesh! Germanine's in it! tank you!
5/17/2012 c3 white pedal
Torri this is just not your day sweetheart, and I believe Arthur and his mom are related cause they are both tsundere and they are vicious.
5/17/2012 c3 10Neeky-chan
There's a nice change: a male OC ina Hetalia fic as a main character! :D I really like your story so far and I would love to read more in the future! :3 Have a great day!

5/16/2012 c2 72white pedal
Tori watch yourself! I studied the fights France and England had over the years, and trust me they take NO prisoners! do I sence sexual tension from France and England and jealousy from England?
5/15/2012 c1 white pedal
That was great! your grammar has improved a lot:) can't wait for the next chapter:)
5/15/2012 c1 Sophie
this is brill, are you gonna add anymore chapters?
5/15/2012 c1 2Beatroll
We're awesome, aren't we? Yes, yes we are. Oh and this is going to be awesome. Seems like awesome is my favorite word. *shots* (srsly, this pudding I ate hours ago didn't do well on my mental-health.)

Do I get a cookie, too? owo
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