5/25/2015 c10 Jess
This was amazing I can't wait to read the sequel :D
This was amazing I can't wait to read the sequel :D
7/29/2013 c1 SparrowBlaze
This seems like it is going to be a great story! I can't wait to read more!
This seems like it is going to be a great story! I can't wait to read more!
7/8/2012 c1
43Myriad Nice
This seems like a short and simple story and it looks to be promising :) A good start to a first fanfic and I think that would be Sherlock-like to get straight to the crimes and not his lover (hee hee). I'm sure Lestrade's face was priceless as per usual. He really is a lovable character, but then again, so it Sherlock!
I think it would be been incredibly funny if Sherlock was laying on the table, a note on his chest or something, and then when Lestrade came over he suddenly jumped up or just opened his eyes. I'm sure even a simple action could be scary as hell, lol. But, the note was a good touch of humor and that's enough for me :)
xx Lilly
P.S. This is the first time I've reviewed since the change in formatting... I think I much prefer the older version, but what can I do? *shrugs*

This seems like a short and simple story and it looks to be promising :) A good start to a first fanfic and I think that would be Sherlock-like to get straight to the crimes and not his lover (hee hee). I'm sure Lestrade's face was priceless as per usual. He really is a lovable character, but then again, so it Sherlock!
I think it would be been incredibly funny if Sherlock was laying on the table, a note on his chest or something, and then when Lestrade came over he suddenly jumped up or just opened his eyes. I'm sure even a simple action could be scary as hell, lol. But, the note was a good touch of humor and that's enough for me :)
xx Lilly
P.S. This is the first time I've reviewed since the change in formatting... I think I much prefer the older version, but what can I do? *shrugs*
7/2/2012 c1 readingxforever
brilliant... well i mean why tell lestrade first? its a good unexpected twist XD
brilliant... well i mean why tell lestrade first? its a good unexpected twist XD
6/23/2012 c1 Glowingbluebell
the great detective : sherlock HOMES? But your stories are still brilliant
the great detective : sherlock HOMES? But your stories are still brilliant
6/11/2012 c2
I'm going to have to keep a tally on how many times Sherlock gets punched. I have a feeling it isn't stopping at Lestrade. :D

I'm going to have to keep a tally on how many times Sherlock gets punched. I have a feeling it isn't stopping at Lestrade. :D
6/2/2012 c10
awww! the falling in love part was sooo sweet! and the case with the stepmother was really funny! SEQUEL TIME!

awww! the falling in love part was sooo sweet! and the case with the stepmother was really funny! SEQUEL TIME!
6/2/2012 c8 FrenchFrylovesMaximumRide
ooo! very smart! sorry, i wil read your sequel after i finish this story! i promise!
ooo! very smart! sorry, i wil read your sequel after i finish this story! i promise!
5/29/2012 c7 FrenchFrylovesMaximumRide
ooh, tense eh? I loved it when sherlock got sooo angry, I could definetly picture that in my head.
ooh, tense eh? I loved it when sherlock got sooo angry, I could definetly picture that in my head.
5/28/2012 c10 I'mAGoatFish
Yayayayayay! The end! It was really good! Pleease write a Johnlock fic! :)
Yayayayayay! The end! It was really good! Pleease write a Johnlock fic! :)
5/28/2012 c10 Anonymous D
U definitely set it up for a sequel. And who knows, mayb Sherlock will return John's feeling for him. Well actually u kno. Can't wait! All I can say is...
U definitely set it up for a sequel. And who knows, mayb Sherlock will return John's feeling for him. Well actually u kno. Can't wait! All I can say is...
5/28/2012 c9 Anonymous D
Best chapter yet! Moran is so slippery abd good at hus job cuz he knew exactly where (building wise) Sherlock and John were. He's like a ninja! Too bad sherlock got shot but everyone knows the main character never dies at the end, that would just b stupid. I feel psychic right now and I say u will make Sherlock b ok but with a bandaged arm or something. Only one more ch left, but don't stop writing stories. Urs r great
Best chapter yet! Moran is so slippery abd good at hus job cuz he knew exactly where (building wise) Sherlock and John were. He's like a ninja! Too bad sherlock got shot but everyone knows the main character never dies at the end, that would just b stupid. I feel psychic right now and I say u will make Sherlock b ok but with a bandaged arm or something. Only one more ch left, but don't stop writing stories. Urs r great
5/27/2012 c9
4Charlotte Haddix
Aah! Sherlock! Don't die on me or I'll kill holmesian13! You better let him be okay. Think of all the cheekbones. Nice job.

Aah! Sherlock! Don't die on me or I'll kill holmesian13! You better let him be okay. Think of all the cheekbones. Nice job.