Just In
for Within My World

6/11/2012 c1 141letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
This piece was amazing! It was well written, and the ideas and Maria's fall were expressed so articulately and movingly. It makes the reader want them to be together even as you're fully aware of how wrong it is. Oh, and it was very sexy, it that brilliantly dark and slightly twisted way. Fantastic job! I hope you'll write more about these two.
6/11/2012 c1 6LookAliveSunshine03 You really captured Loki's personality in this. God, he's so bad! *_* lol!
6/3/2012 c1 3Lobeira
Holy crap, I just have to say that your Loki was so sinister that I was shivering as I read. I'm a bit sad at how easily Maria gave in (and she even shot Coulson T_T) but it seemed like you did that for the purpose of exploring the theme of "control"?

I really liked the exploration of Loki's obsessive need for control. It was also sexy and hot as hell xDD!
5/27/2012 c1 Regina-Mai
Please make this into a full story!
5/21/2012 c1 42TC Stark
You know, I would have never thought of pairing Maria with Loki, but your one-shot is perfect. You took your time and worked it in perfectly. I loved it.
5/21/2012 c1 goneblank
Honestly I wouldn't mind if you decided to continue this or make more Maria/Loki's kinda a guilty pleasure ship.
5/20/2012 c1 13DreamFlight
Oh... that's just... chilling. I love it.

Loki's whole obsession with control and humans wanting to give it up and follow is really quite fascinating, and I think you captured it eloquently. I would totally read more if you wrote it.
5/20/2012 c1 the-quiet-girl
This by far is the best description of Loki that I've come across to date, for some reason a lot of fanfic writers are portraying Loki as this emo frail 'woobie' little dude, which considering what a bamf Loki is in the movies, confuses me a lot. I mean the guys pretty much teetering on batshit crazy but still with an edge of intelligent scary hot rather than temper tantrum silly.

I adore Tom Hiddlestone's portrayal of Loki in Thor & Avengers - giving a 'layered' quality to the character rather than simply making him a cooky cutter "evil bad dude" and for me with what I've read of your writing so far, you've captured that darker element to Loki, thanks so much for sharing your wonderful writing skills :)

(ps sorry for the long winded review! I just have a lot of FEELINGS when it comes to this particular Norse God)
5/20/2012 c1 TheTalkingCupcake

This was such an intense read. You're really good at describing scenes and building tension. And I personally liked that you made Loki a bit darker and controlling.

Love this story!
5/20/2012 c1 124HistoryISculture
I love this fic and pairing! And I love Loki/Natasha Romanov too. I love your fic.

You write very well.

You should write more about this pairing. Its perfect!
5/19/2012 c1 RoseOfLannister
That...was...awesome! Wonderful story, very hot! I love Maria and Loki but you really don't see enough fics of that ship, and this one was perfect. Utterly perfect!
5/19/2012 c1 9White Lioness Spirit
WOW! This was completely and utterly fantastic. One of the best fics I've ever read. You nailed the characters perfectly. Excellent job!
5/19/2012 c1 14lu.chan93
This was interesting, to say the least ;) although I think her surrender came too quickly.
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