Just In
for Something to Live For

8/22/2015 c1 7WildSpirit-Forever
This story blew me away with its awesomeness!
5/5/2015 c1 Guest
Idl if I've commented before but I rly like this -tonKKs
7/17/2012 c1 27Tazz Dieudonne
At first I was thinking Stark being serious? But wow! You nailed it! Good job!
6/4/2012 c1 Winged-Leopardess
I liked this very much. Well done!

This is a whim I am personally glad you had.
5/30/2012 c1 6wildcookie13
Tony's last little speech about them being yin-yang BFFs made me laugh a lot xD it was very him. I loved all of Bruce's introspection too :)
5/28/2012 c1 Guest
Sweet and awesome XD
5/24/2012 c1 2Space-Case-Writer13
*squee* the little Bruce Banner/Tony Stark fangirl in me loved this little one shot! Yes AMAZING! Thank you for writing!


5/24/2012 c1 15OT6AllTheWay-BCNSTT
I loved them. It's good Tonys got Bruce and vise versa.
5/24/2012 c1 74SupernaturalGeek
That was lovely. I'm really looking forward to seeing the friendship between Bruce and Tony (hopefully) expanded in the sequel/s and you really captured their voices and mannerisms here. You also did a great job of conveying the emotion without making it over the top or mushy.

I enjoyed this.
5/24/2012 c1 1link55-06
They really, really reminds me of Jack and Daniel from Stargate series. I love how you write the characters here. Thanks for the fic.
5/23/2012 c1 41Reidluver
My babies! I loved it! :) I didn't expect to leave that theater with so many feelings for these two men but...yeah. I love how you showed how much of an impact Tony had on Bruce!
5/23/2012 c1 RayenOfDeadStarsAndPlanets
This is amazinh! I love it!
5/23/2012 c1 majorbookluver
This is really good! Can you do another chapter from the Hulk point of view when Tony's falling and the Hulk caught him? Pleeeeeaasssssseeeee?

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