Just In
for Kurt's Thoughts

6/7/2012 c2 tammy lynnea
tammy lynnea
6/7/2012 c2 4Ped
Yes, yes they can.

It's in the terms of use. Extreme violence and graphic sex are MA rated material, and that's not been allowed since 9-11-2002 here at .

They have *every* right to enforce their terms of use, which you agree to abide by when you sign-up for an account, and that includes removing any and all fics that have song lyrics in them. Protesting won't get you anything.
5/24/2012 c1 40Jayno
Awwww I love that your Kurt isn't freaking AND THAT HIM AND BALINE GET TO STAY TOGETHER!
5/24/2012 c1 2Gleek90
I like that for your first fic you stayed simple and true to the characters. I can really see them eating ice cream and watching Project Runway for a bit of "wallow in self pity" time. You also gave them hope and optimism, very Klaine-like indeed. Keep writing!

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