Just In
for A Fight To The Death

1/11/2022 c1 13Waxing Shadow
Good thing you stripped the trio of their magic, as it would make Alex, at the very least, broken and unbeatable.
10/15/2014 c19 Everthorne
I thought Brutus was already dead
6/25/2013 c30 3ILoveHeartsandAnimals
OMG! This is the best Hunger Games fic I have ever read! Will you make another story? •
5/9/2013 c10 Emer
That is amazing hunger games is my fave movie and wizards of Waverley place is my fave book hey see if there is a movie bout that can I be Alex cause selena gomez is to old now to be her I know how to hunt and I'm fast and a really good actress so please if there is a movie think about thank you
4/8/2013 c1 Guest
Sad put cool
4/8/2013 c8 Guest
Why isnt Alex crying I mean she fell and olmost had a deat
4/7/2013 c7 Guest
Im was entertained for 7 hours
4/6/2013 c7 Guest
I dont like Rue
2/6/2013 c30 HungerGames6612
Oh my gosh I thought that this was fantastic! Please write more HG/WOWP crossovers! :D
1/8/2013 c30 6ExodusofDreams
I must admit that this is a story crossover category I couldn't imagine reading. I kept wondering over and over again inside my head... WoWP... HG... Yeah... like that could EVER work out in a halfway decent manner.

To be honest, this is actually the second time I finished the story. I read it first yesterday and did once again today. I was shocked yesterday. Now I'm beyond shocked, I'm sitting here stunned. The way your mind is able to piece together, characters and shows/movies that have so little in common is startling. Your creative imagination is obvious, vivid and demonstrates devotion to both fandoms equally.

Admittedly I did notice a few grammar things here and there, but nothing that ever impacted the story in a negative way. And seriously, any author - me included - who publishes stuff is bound to miss a thing or two.

From beginning to end this was a wonderful story. You've captured the child-like spirit and magic of WoWP with the seriousness and emotion of HG. You've brought the ingrained rivalries inherent within both to form a coherent, powerful and driving story that you should be proud of. Your presentation of the characters from both fandoms is remarkable and shows an author who is not afraid to take risks; who steps out of the box and succeeds in a manner not easy for anyone else to replicate.

Simply put: wonderful job, excellent story, and never ever doubt your writing abilities. :)
12/27/2012 c30 2lildixie88
I LOVED this! at first i didn't like the whole alex peeta pairing but you made it work! I'd love to have Katniss as an older sister!
10/6/2012 c11 2PastIsInThePast
LOViNG IT! :) I really liked the way that you ended the first one and all the people you kept alive and everything. The first chapter of catching fire is totally awesome too! They are all so cute together and everything you write seems to be flowing so smoothly! 3
(I like Katniss Everdeen-Russo better too :))
10/4/2012 c30 Guest
Yaaaay like!
9/16/2012 c30 FFFfanfictionfan
I loved it thanks for not letting rue or prim die I love them
8/26/2012 c8 PastIsInThePast
Loved this chapter so very much! Just so sweet and realistic and everything lol by far my favorite chapter so far!
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