Just In
for Taming the Wolfbat

10/14/2015 c5 expressingandrepressing
love this story I cannot wait for the next update or some perhaps tension between Korra and tahno! maybe a fight? I don't know, all I know is that this story is awesome and I love it.
5/12/2015 c5 9erikablair
Update please, I'm liking where this is going
8/4/2014 c5 2
I'm glad Korra finally met bolin, he's my favorite character, well besides Naga ;)
12/31/2013 c1 Guest
Awesome. Short beginning, but awesome.
10/8/2013 c5 6Coffeelover222
Please update!
1/20/2013 c5 3Rosetin
Nice chappie :)
11/5/2012 c5 3GambitofThornes
I really hope that this doesn't go silent and dormant, it deserves better.
9/18/2012 c5 2Ali-Asphyxia
This fic is great.I absolutely loved reading it and I think you did an amazing job when you wrote this.
8/21/2012 c1 lillianaakajosa
8/20/2012 c5 LiesTemptHer
Hey, I just found your story and am really interested in it! I can't wait to see you continue it. ;)
I'm a huge fan of non-canon ships. I absolutely hate Mako/Korra. It's just..ugh. It's so not right. I much prefer Amorra, Tahnorra, and Korrlok. And this is certainly a Tahnorra that I'm interested in. And I really like your Ming. I'm really glad he's opening up and talking to Korra, because at first she observed that he was really quiet. I like that he's taking a brother role to her.

My name is Cheyenne, by the way. And I'm a female. If you wanted to use me, it'd be cool. I don't know exactly what sort of name would fit in the LoK universe, but I know Chayan is a variation spelling of Cheyenne, so I wouldn't mind being called that. Just a thought. ;)
8/18/2012 c5 Sapphy Valentine
Still loving this story! :) Keep up the good work. Also, I love how you added some background to the Wolfbat team. Hope you update as soon as possible.
8/12/2012 c5 avatarfan
So so so so gooooood! Can't wait for more of it! Your characters were not OOC at all! Very well done! I really wish this actually happened in the original series! I would love for tahorra to happen this way, and you have done it JUSTICE!Update sooooon!:)
8/2/2012 c5 Marqueza
I love Ming!
8/2/2012 c5 abandoned acc
Tahno, of course, is my favorite. he's like, the hottest hottie. Not to mention, he's badass. I like Ming too though. You gave him more life than just another random probender.

Cameo name Azuri
Gender Female

Azuri was born into a long line of firebenders. She, however, was born as a nonbender. Put to shame by her parents and older siblings, Azuri escaped to Republic City at a young age of 14. Upon hearing about the Anti-Bending Revolution, she was eager to join. Thus Azuri is one of the youngest Equalists in Republic City.
7/31/2012 c5 Gina3
i've been searching and searching for good tahnorra stories. i guiltily admit I skipped this one the first couple of times i was scrolling through the fics, as i usually read stuff that is canon compliant. I decided yesterday to check this one out and it is way way way better than all the other stuff i have read! everyone is in character (something that i have noticed is difficult for a lot of people, especially with Tahno). I'm almost tempted to say that i like the way your plot is going better that what happened in the series :)
please update soon!
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