7/9/2012 c10 Guest
Hey, I like the cliffhangers-as long as you don't make us wait too long for the next installment. Speaking of next installments, plz don't forget you promised another chapter after chapter 10. (yes shameless pleading for more). Keep on writing you have a very entertaining style. You are especially good with the lighthearted stuff and I like yr sense of humor. Thanks!
Hey, I like the cliffhangers-as long as you don't make us wait too long for the next installment. Speaking of next installments, plz don't forget you promised another chapter after chapter 10. (yes shameless pleading for more). Keep on writing you have a very entertaining style. You are especially good with the lighthearted stuff and I like yr sense of humor. Thanks!
7/2/2012 c2 readingxforever
OH NO! ! for some reason i always love it when there is a tear... idk i think it makes it.. better
OH NO! ! for some reason i always love it when there is a tear... idk i think it makes it.. better
6/27/2012 c1
My dear, dear readers. i am suffering major writers block and i am afraid this story may have hit a dead end. if you have any ideas for me i would greatly appreciate it. if you can think of nothing i have another story up if tou would like to read it. i again apologize.

My dear, dear readers. i am suffering major writers block and i am afraid this story may have hit a dead end. if you have any ideas for me i would greatly appreciate it. if you can think of nothing i have another story up if tou would like to read it. i again apologize.
6/23/2012 c10 Glowingbluebell
your story is amazing! The password scene was just...so cute :') please please please continue!
your story is amazing! The password scene was just...so cute :') please please please continue!
6/11/2012 c9 ArcReactor
To be honest - the story doesn't seem finished...
Like you are missing something.
Like Sherlock and John are missing something.
I can't explain. But you know what I mean, right?
Or you get the drift of what I mean?
Sorry I can't be more help... I am currently suffering writer's block and have no clue about anything...
To be honest - the story doesn't seem finished...
Like you are missing something.
Like Sherlock and John are missing something.
I can't explain. But you know what I mean, right?
Or you get the drift of what I mean?
Sorry I can't be more help... I am currently suffering writer's block and have no clue about anything...
6/8/2012 c8 sneakysnakes
Good chapter but there is a niggling inconsistency that doesn't make sense. Why would John have Morphine and sutures in their flat but NOT a first aid kit?
Good chapter but there is a niggling inconsistency that doesn't make sense. Why would John have Morphine and sutures in their flat but NOT a first aid kit?
6/8/2012 c8
sherlock, you're hurt!
oh, so I am.
XD I thought that part was funny!

sherlock, you're hurt!
oh, so I am.
XD I thought that part was funny!
6/6/2012 c6
it vas funny, but i still cant get used to the "love" and the kissing. Its too weird.

it vas funny, but i still cant get used to the "love" and the kissing. Its too weird.
6/6/2012 c6
Couldn't hold down my fangirl any longer.
I just have to say this is adorable.

Couldn't hold down my fangirl any longer.
I just have to say this is adorable.
6/5/2012 c6 Charlotte Haddix
This is cute and lovely, but if you want my true and honest opinion, I must say I think it's a little rushed, which can make the characters seem more OOC than they would have been if things had progressed more slowly. Other than that, it's just brilliant.
This is cute and lovely, but if you want my true and honest opinion, I must say I think it's a little rushed, which can make the characters seem more OOC than they would have been if things had progressed more slowly. Other than that, it's just brilliant.