Just In
for A Hex

2/1/2019 c4 Guest
High life his little brother! Dawww! I'm crying this is beautiful!
1/1/2016 c13 7DanishPastry93
Its so good! Plz update it as soon as you can! XD THE SUSPENCE!
8/13/2015 c5 34InsideMyBrain
Omg america baby whyyyy
8/13/2015 c4 InsideMyBrain
8/13/2015 c3 InsideMyBrain
Ayyy i wanna dedication! XD naw but this is cool. I wonder who the "playmate" is? Lily? France maybe?
8/13/2015 c2 InsideMyBrain
hehe i just recently got into hetalia and thank god i did because this sounds really interesting. Also, when are you going to update 3 lives?
8/13/2015 c1 InsideMyBrain
Oooh this sounds interesting.
4/21/2014 c13 America-san
It seems pointless to review considering its been a year. I hope you continue with the story if you are not dead, which by this time most people would consider. The cliffhanger is not a good place to pause. I hope you will consider updating, if you can.
4/30/2013 c13 Rose
Pleasepleasepleaseplease update. This story is very well written. You are amazing at keeping your readers in perfect suspense. So I beg you for the love of God please update.
4/2/2013 c1 IEU
It means 'hex'. Which is the backwards spelling of Xeh.
3/7/2013 c13 Jinx Wolfheart
Please hurry up with another amazing chapter about italy and germany! I love your ff!
12/24/2012 c4 Decepticonleader
Not that this isn't good or anything, but why did lily call vash bruder, when that's German? And why didn't Gilbert call ludwig bruder?
12/8/2012 c13 15CaffeinatedKitty
WHAAAAA?! It ends here?! My good person, you need to update. :)
11/25/2012 c13 1Spockulent such a good story! :D
But more Russia,Da?
Please? OuO
Pretty please?
Ah well...
Update soon, at least?
11/22/2012 c13 4HetaPastaH3ro
Why you no answer who died?!
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