Just In
for The Big Apple

6/1/2012 c15 Shipwreckedd
Oh cool! Love the alliances! Interesting Career pack! I really liked how diverse they all are. Cotton seems a little too nice to be a Career, and his character progression seems to be going backwards, which I like. Hes starting as the nice guy, but plotting in his head. I like how they made Nikkie the leader, a bit of a challenge for Talus. Silver was great, already plotting her first kill! I'm not sure how I feel about Talus, hes smart, but he seems a little upset at things not going his way. Fuscous POV was really neat; I liked his view of all the others, and it seems like we're learning more about his weaknesses.

Really great! Love these guys, and this story!

6/1/2012 c16 Tonmber1
I haven't reviewed in a while but I like how this story is going, I find myself in the shoes of all of the tributes. Really well written.
6/1/2012 c14 Shipwreckedd
Aw what a fun chapter! I loved just reading everyones little description, and I loved how you made it from a Capital POV. District 2 is quite the show boat! His flip and wink were fun. Ohhh D3 was really cool, loved the robot/love! District 5 was really unique too, "There has been a new fad over them ever since the book 'midnight' (twighlight), came out." -Ahh very clever! And I love what you did with Jude and D6! So cool! Ohh D9 being all fiesty, I feel bad for Sonya though. :( And I liked D12s fireworks! Really loved everyone! Chariots are one of my personal favs! Great job!

6/1/2012 c13 Shipwreckedd
I really love all the ideas you have floating in this! It feels like you've put tons of thought into everything. Really liked that you did a chapter on head gamemaker thoughts. Its very interesting!

And man am I glad to see this story up again! Gotta catch up on what ive missed!

6/1/2012 c16 NinjaMadness
love it. I'm glad you put the story back up. :)
6/1/2012 c16 5SakuraDreamerz
*laughs at Evans, Zombie's and Jude's pranks, ESPECIALLY at the itch-water!* lolol! XDDD
6/1/2012 c15 SakuraDreamerz
hhrrrmmmm, Clyde looks good with a sword! come to think of it, so do the others!
6/1/2012 c16 5Trapped In Narnia
Love how they all climbed the wall so easily and can't wait to see their talents come out in the arena! Write fast!
6/1/2012 c15 ChocolateTear
Great chapter. You obvioustly updated as fast as possible. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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