7/17/2012 c38
5Trapped In Narnia
Haha when I first read there was a statue I thought they might have done statues of the fallen allies or something to set them off. Like in the 74th how the mutts looked like the tributes and had their eyes? Anyways how dare they steal ideas of a dead tribute! Ugh these people have no respect
Haha when I first read there was a statue I thought they might have done statues of the fallen allies or something to set them off. Like in the 74th how the mutts looked like the tributes and had their eyes? Anyways how dare they steal ideas of a dead tribute! Ugh these people have no respect
7/17/2012 c38 ChocolateTear
So... The final battle is about to start... Let's see how that is going to turn out.
The idea of the things they had to go trough was very original. I have never read that before. The Game-Makers shoud be ashamed of theirselves for stealing the wonderful ideas of one of their tributes. I am a True supporter, so let's see how everything is going to turn out for her.
So... The final battle is about to start... Let's see how that is going to turn out.
The idea of the things they had to go trough was very original. I have never read that before. The Game-Makers shoud be ashamed of theirselves for stealing the wonderful ideas of one of their tributes. I am a True supporter, so let's see how everything is going to turn out for her.
7/17/2012 c38
Wow these poor tributes :O and Larry xD? I was laughing throughout Clyde's POv because of it! I feel bad for Jude because of the constant reminders of his dead allies :( poor Evan and Zombie, I always did like that alliance (almost as much as Livi's alliance), True...I just can't seem to decide whether I like her or not...
Wow these poor tributes :O and Larry xD? I was laughing throughout Clyde's POv because of it! I feel bad for Jude because of the constant reminders of his dead allies :( poor Evan and Zombie, I always did like that alliance (almost as much as Livi's alliance), True...I just can't seem to decide whether I like her or not...
7/17/2012 c37 ChocolateTear
Nooo! Koal and Nightgale are dead! Now I don't really know who to support anymore. True or Jude. They are both wanderful characters. So is Clyde, but I don't really like him anymore. You leave me in tense for what is going to happen next. So I really can't wait for your update :)
Nooo! Koal and Nightgale are dead! Now I don't really know who to support anymore. True or Jude. They are both wanderful characters. So is Clyde, but I don't really like him anymore. You leave me in tense for what is going to happen next. So I really can't wait for your update :)
7/16/2012 c36 ChocolateTear
Aw, I am really starting to like Koal. I just hope he doesn't dies without Sparkles. It is very smart of Zombie to figure out the password. And for the deaths that they could see, I think I know where you got that idea from, but still it is a very good idea and is still not exactly the same so I don't think the one that thought of the idea would be mad. Clyde is just turning evil.
Aw, I am really starting to like Koal. I just hope he doesn't dies without Sparkles. It is very smart of Zombie to figure out the password. And for the deaths that they could see, I think I know where you got that idea from, but still it is a very good idea and is still not exactly the same so I don't think the one that thought of the idea would be mad. Clyde is just turning evil.
7/16/2012 c35 ChocolateTear
The POV of Nightgale was so sad. I loved it. It is good to have an emotional chapter and I honestly have to say that I was crying a little bit in Nightgale's POV. I also like the changements the tributes go trough. For some people it is a good thing, like for Koal, but in some cases it looks a pretty bad thing like how Avalon is just going to kill everything that moves, and how paranoid she became.
The POV of Nightgale was so sad. I loved it. It is good to have an emotional chapter and I honestly have to say that I was crying a little bit in Nightgale's POV. I also like the changements the tributes go trough. For some people it is a good thing, like for Koal, but in some cases it looks a pretty bad thing like how Avalon is just going to kill everything that moves, and how paranoid she became.
7/16/2012 c34 ChocolateTear
Wow. This chapter is one of the best chapters I have ever read on FanFiction before. I thought al the deads were perfect for all the characters. It was very logical that Evangeline and Fuscous would have a final battle. It was perfect that Fuscous died by fire, but also pretty logical since it was the main weakness I gave you. The dead of Evangeline was just beautifull. She loved it that she died by the hand of fire. I also loved Silver very much. Being the most human career of them all. It is just a shame that she had to die. For Dave, I didn't know much about him. He wasn't that important in the plot to what I think, however on the end he became much more important.
I am going to read the next chapter fast, since you are leaving me in tense with all this. Also, I wanted to thank you for writing Fuscous on such an amazing way. You totally brought him to live, and I am glad you liked him too. I also really want to thank you for making him reach the top 9-8.
Wow. This chapter is one of the best chapters I have ever read on FanFiction before. I thought al the deads were perfect for all the characters. It was very logical that Evangeline and Fuscous would have a final battle. It was perfect that Fuscous died by fire, but also pretty logical since it was the main weakness I gave you. The dead of Evangeline was just beautifull. She loved it that she died by the hand of fire. I also loved Silver very much. Being the most human career of them all. It is just a shame that she had to die. For Dave, I didn't know much about him. He wasn't that important in the plot to what I think, however on the end he became much more important.
I am going to read the next chapter fast, since you are leaving me in tense with all this. Also, I wanted to thank you for writing Fuscous on such an amazing way. You totally brought him to live, and I am glad you liked him too. I also really want to thank you for making him reach the top 9-8.
7/16/2012 c33 ChocolateTear
Sorry that I couldn't review earlier, but I was on a vacation.
I really liked this chapter. Koal is really smart. I noticed it before with the knife in the boot, but this thing with the mutts is a really smart idea. I loved Fuscous' POV for the descisions he has to make, the doubt he has to deal with. Love it! I also loved that last sentence: I guess I'll never understand because I'm not human. It is exactly what Fuscous would think if he would be real.
Sorry that I couldn't review earlier, but I was on a vacation.
I really liked this chapter. Koal is really smart. I noticed it before with the knife in the boot, but this thing with the mutts is a really smart idea. I loved Fuscous' POV for the descisions he has to make, the doubt he has to deal with. Love it! I also loved that last sentence: I guess I'll never understand because I'm not human. It is exactly what Fuscous would think if he would be real.
7/15/2012 c37 Tonmber1
7/15/2012 c37 NinjaMadness
RIP nightingdale and Koal. This was an amazing chapter! WHOO we are down to the final three, I wonder who's going to be out winner. I would love to read about the people back home's reaction when each tribute died. I don't know why and it would probably be to much effort to write but I would love to read that.
RIP nightingdale and Koal. This was an amazing chapter! WHOO we are down to the final three, I wonder who's going to be out winner. I would love to read about the people back home's reaction when each tribute died. I don't know why and it would probably be to much effort to write but I would love to read that.
7/15/2012 c37 WishofHearts
Oh Nightingale! I can't believe it, I thought for sure you would win, but at least now, you'll be with Evan
Oh Nightingale! I can't believe it, I thought for sure you would win, but at least now, you'll be with Evan
7/15/2012 c37
noooo! Koal! I was getting use to him so well! especially when he was taiming Sparkles! He will not be forgotten, and neither will Nightingale! *salutes*
plus, congrats to Jude, Clyde, and True for making it to the final 3!
noooo! Koal! I was getting use to him so well! especially when he was taiming Sparkles! He will not be forgotten, and neither will Nightingale! *salutes*
plus, congrats to Jude, Clyde, and True for making it to the final 3!
7/15/2012 c37 Shipwreckedd
1) Absolutely amazing chapter. Always so well written. This whole story has been so well thought out and just completely interesting and clever in every little detail. Simply amazing.
2) OMG NOOOOOOOO! I really think I just died a little inside. I didn't want to see Koal and Nightingale die. First, because they were True and Jude's allies. And second and mostly, because they were both amazing tributes that I'm sure everyone reading has come to love.
Koal was clever and snarky, and maybe when it came down to it, he was downright manipulative. I loved his character progression, you wrote him so well and I felt like he grew up a lot during his games. I really wish that there had been a pov for him in this chapter just to see what was going through his mind. I'm so upset that he killed Zombie, but I cannot hate him. He was just too amazing! D:
And Zombie! I think she has been my absolute favorite throughout this whole thing. She was crafty and fun and had the coolest trick up her sleeve ive ever seen. I really really wanted to see her make it to the end. And it crushing that she didn't. ( And its kinda Jude's fault, so off with his head ;P ) Nightingale was such a great character, her creator should feel proud, and you wrote her flawlessly.
I will miss them both so much!
And 3) Omg! Final three! This is completely amazing! I cannot believe that this story is almost OVER. I don't even know what the heck I'm going to do with myself when this is done. xD Also, congrats to Clyde for making it on his own to the final three. He is definitely the Career to beat! ( And what the heck was he doing all this chapter! xD)
I cannot wait to see the final chapter(s) of this, its sure to be an exciting, surprising, and satisfying end! Update when you can!
1) Absolutely amazing chapter. Always so well written. This whole story has been so well thought out and just completely interesting and clever in every little detail. Simply amazing.
2) OMG NOOOOOOOO! I really think I just died a little inside. I didn't want to see Koal and Nightingale die. First, because they were True and Jude's allies. And second and mostly, because they were both amazing tributes that I'm sure everyone reading has come to love.
Koal was clever and snarky, and maybe when it came down to it, he was downright manipulative. I loved his character progression, you wrote him so well and I felt like he grew up a lot during his games. I really wish that there had been a pov for him in this chapter just to see what was going through his mind. I'm so upset that he killed Zombie, but I cannot hate him. He was just too amazing! D:
And Zombie! I think she has been my absolute favorite throughout this whole thing. She was crafty and fun and had the coolest trick up her sleeve ive ever seen. I really really wanted to see her make it to the end. And it crushing that she didn't. ( And its kinda Jude's fault, so off with his head ;P ) Nightingale was such a great character, her creator should feel proud, and you wrote her flawlessly.
I will miss them both so much!
And 3) Omg! Final three! This is completely amazing! I cannot believe that this story is almost OVER. I don't even know what the heck I'm going to do with myself when this is done. xD Also, congrats to Clyde for making it on his own to the final three. He is definitely the Career to beat! ( And what the heck was he doing all this chapter! xD)
I cannot wait to see the final chapter(s) of this, its sure to be an exciting, surprising, and satisfying end! Update when you can!
7/15/2012 c37
omg Nightingale :( I never really felt a connection with her until she died, I don't know her charcater was just so surreal with the way uyou wrote her :') She will definitly be missed
As for Koal, for some reason I really did not like him and I didn't want him to win, he was just too coy and manipulative but I guess you need some of those in the Games too, well he is certainly unforgettable and with the way he died *shutter* I wish him well, that is the worst way to go I think
and thank you so much for the shout out about my story :D I am so excited to start this one, is it weird that the idea of killing toddlers came to me in a dream...
omg Nightingale :( I never really felt a connection with her until she died, I don't know her charcater was just so surreal with the way uyou wrote her :') She will definitly be missed
As for Koal, for some reason I really did not like him and I didn't want him to win, he was just too coy and manipulative but I guess you need some of those in the Games too, well he is certainly unforgettable and with the way he died *shutter* I wish him well, that is the worst way to go I think
and thank you so much for the shout out about my story :D I am so excited to start this one, is it weird that the idea of killing toddlers came to me in a dream...