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for Ash Ketchum: The Rising of a Hero

7/19/2014 c3 Guest
This is too awesome to stop! PLEASE FINISH THIS AMAZING FANFIC NOW!
8/30/2012 c3 215ChloboShoka
I remember reading this on Advancers. I really enjoyed it and thought the imagery was dark and epic.
7/16/2012 c3 WhiteEagle1985
Interesting start so far to this story! I'll watch for more!
7/10/2012 c3 Meow mix
ODSTNStands 4 orbital drop shock trooper (halo 3 odst )
6/5/2012 c2 4pkmaster777
ok that is awesome! I can not wait to read more, im gonna check out your other stories too im hooked.
6/5/2012 c1 pkmaster777
very nice concept I cant wait to see more of it! especially seeing the things that will happen after this chapter!
6/5/2012 c2 1TheRaichuResistance
This is your longest chapter? Really? I expected more...

JK! Hey, but I love this story already. Probably just due to the Raichu, but hey, what can you do, eh?

At least you didn't give up this story. I say focus on this one. It is already more well written then the other one. Just don't stop Sapphire Desire, you worked to hard on it to not finish it. I say give it 10 more chapters, then quit. That way you can finish it. It may be a little rushed, but hey, that's alright.
6/5/2012 c2 DannMaster
Cool! it really looks interesting.

Good work D
6/1/2012 c1 1Mr. Nine
good job so far and this sounds like it's going to be great

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