Just In
for The Heart of a Soldier

7/1/2012 c20 7LovingBOBThePacific
Aww, such a cute chap, hun! xD. But seriously, I don't really get it? What was out of character? Essie's a girl like us, blimey, what are you talkin' 'bout? (In Guarnere voice)
Be safe over there, I'm going to miss you meanwhile though :')
Much love,
7/1/2012 c19 Guest
Yesssss. This chapter made me so happy :) Keep it up!
- Ames
7/1/2012 c19 LovingBOBThePacific
AWWWW! Please UPDATE!. Becca, dammit!
Much love,
6/27/2012 c4 nette0602
Very nice! I really hate Sobel!
6/27/2012 c3 nette0602
6/27/2012 c2 nette0602
6/27/2012 c1 nette0602
Very nice chapter :)
6/27/2012 c17 ames
And for the record, this chapter was beautifully written. I especially love the red smoke scene. Your imagery is amazing! :)
6/27/2012 c17 ames
YES! I'm so happy you're back. I have so much faith that you can finish this! When you said you weren't going to continue, I was going to delete the story from my bookmark but I just couldn't do it. I just somehow knew that you'd pull through and come back. I'm so glad you did :) I love this story so much it's absolutely amazing!
6/26/2012 c17 LovingBOBThePacific
Becs, this was SO beautifully written, oh and the details, OMG. Girly, you're absolutely amazing!

Can't wait for more, please update soon! - and thank you so much for mentioning me! Loves ya'!


6/24/2012 c17 ames
NOOOOO THEY WERE JUST ABOUT TO MAKE UP :( oh was an amazing story :'(
6/21/2012 c16 LovingBOBThePacific
Aww, almost making up, huh Becs?

I told you everything would be all right, didn't I?

Please update soon! :D

Much love,


6/20/2012 c15 LovingBOBThePacific
Awww, I loved the chapter, Becs! 3. Loved the darn thing!

Why is it I don't feel sorry for Tab? (Becca, why? :/)

Update soon! :-*

Much love,

6/18/2012 c14 LovingBOBThePacific
..And I just think my heart died with Essie :'/

Please update soon, Becs, well described! :)

6/18/2012 c13 LovingBOBThePacific
Goddammit Becca! Don't make me cry! :'/

However, I think you described it very well though it has been hard for you and I can totally understand that as another WW2 freak like we two are. Please update soon!

Much love,

-Cam :-I
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