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for Starting Over

10/6/2019 c5 Guest
1/25/2016 c5 Jianna3960
Please update! Please!
12/22/2013 c5 2Angryhenry
Continue the amazing story please
2/24/2013 c5 JasonAndPiperfan
So what will happen to Jason and Piper, will Jason remember anything?Or he is going to stay that way?
2/7/2013 c5 Guest
Oh my gods please update soon! I LOVE IT! LEYNA AND JASPER!
1/22/2013 c5 Xander Jacobson Son of Athena
1/3/2013 c5 1Sarena Akhter
Daughter of appolo, u r MAGNIFICENT WRITER!

12/29/2012 c5 18MasterProcrastinator98
This is really funny as Leo, you show his awesome manicness well, please finish it!
12/11/2012 c5 Googoogaagaa
It's stupid
12/2/2012 c5 Emchmi999
Nooooooooo! IT HAZ NO MORE CHAPTERS! Please write more and more and more and more and...i sound weird...please write more!
8/27/2012 c4 4itisfinished12062015
Hmm interesting. So does anyone else know Jason lost his memory. So far everything seems like no big deal.
8/27/2012 c4 5TheBoneCity
OOOHHHH I can't wait until Christmas!
8/25/2012 c2 1OceanRiver
This is great, although, isn't choreographing and dancing kind of the same thing? I mean, if you are in charge of choreography, it means you make the dance moves. Maybe Annabeth should have been in charge of the vocals? Haha, I don't know... But I do know that I love your stories!
7/2/2012 c3 Windmills and Ducks
Great chapter! Haha, that's funny with the Amazons. I am also scared to order stuff from there O.o
7/2/2012 c3 5TheBoneCity
Hehe the Amazons ans weird cussing horses :) I sooooo get it! Anyway I just love it and I (being slightly blonde) just figured out what PATH stood for! Update soon?
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