Just In
for Starting Over

6/29/2012 c2 xheroesofolympusx
Hey! I just want to start off with thanks for alerting my story ! (: Anyways, this chapter was really good. I'm usually a big nazi when it comes to grammar but I feel like letting it slide for some reason... Haha. Anyways, great job (: Keep on writing!

And um, sorry to sound like a review-wh*re but can you review my story?

xoxo, Tiffany
6/28/2012 c2 6Goddess of Jasper
Awesome story, please update. Oh and JASPER FOREVER!
6/19/2012 c2 pjato-lover
I loved it

I love how piper and jason were ( or is it are) dating before he lost most of his memory. That was a god idea. I also like that this story is so original, there's so many stories that aren't really original but this one is and I like it, :)

Anyway hope you have a great day :)
6/19/2012 c2 jasper
update soon plz
6/19/2012 c2 moon over manifest
update i want to know who won !
6/7/2012 c1 5TheBoneCity
I love it! Please keep it up!
6/7/2012 c1 Lucky ducky
It's very good! Keep it up :))
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