Just In
for Words

10/11/2012 c7 25MandyinKC
I really enjoyed Ectopic. I liked your description of the afterlife with it's windows for "glimpses" of the those left behind. But more than that, I liked James. I liked the wisdom and human failings he shows. It hurt me when he feared losing Lily to Snape and I felt relieved when she voiced her contempt for what Snape is doing to Harry.

I must confess, I diskike Snape so it was nice to see a story that painted him in a less sympathetic light. I saw the movies before I read the books so I knew how Snape's story arc would end. When I read the books, I was hoping to get more of a glimpse of the heroic Snape that Alan Rickman gives us, but, to me, that Snape wasn't in the books. I couldn't understand how he could be so awful to Harry when he loved Lily so much. I am a mother and I would expect somebody who loved me to love my children or I would cut them ...from my life. I wouldn't just cut them, maybe. I digress. So, to me, Snape's bullying of Harry is unforgivable, much more so than James's bullying of Snape. In the end, Snape and James were equals, equals in age, equals in magic. But Snape is Harry's professor and he abuses that position. So, as a parent, I think you got Lily and James just right.
8/18/2012 c11 22kitkatritrat
This is a great idea! So here's my word: Forgotten. Good luck, and keep up the amazing work! -Kit Kat
8/12/2012 c10 14bloodyhell-ronald
It was lovely! Thank you so much for writing Bill/Fleur. U really loved the chapter. You displayed Charlie just the way I always imagined him. Thank you.
7/29/2012 c7 bloodyhell-ronald
Hey there, I read the chapters this night/morning and I really love your style of writing and the idea of a random word as an inspiration itself. I cried during chapters 7 and 8, because they simply were so so beautiful. You accept word requests? Do you accept character requests? I guess that's rather complicated, isn't it? Anyway, I'd love to read something about Fleur and/or Bill. And I can't wait to read the next chapter! Keep up the good work and your style, because it's awesome!
7/28/2012 c8 2EsaHufflepuff
Awwwwwwww! That is really really really good. I loved it! The only constructive criticism is the impeccable grammar of the five year olds and the line about biology, which wizards (no matter how nerdy and smart) would not have heard of.
7/26/2012 c7 EsaHufflepuff
This chapter is beautiful... Just wonderful.
7/21/2012 c4 EsaHufflepuff
I love your writing style! There should be more people like you on fanfiction!
7/20/2012 c7 JamesFreakingPotter
These 'stories' (for lack of better word) are amazing!I love them!
6/30/2012 c3 2PotterheadFangirl14
Oh, this is beautiful! You're really talented. :)
6/30/2012 c1 PotterheadFangirl14
I liked this, it was different. I completely forgot about this part and never really paused to wonder. Well, YOU did, and you did one heck of a job of it, too. Great work! :D
6/30/2012 c1 Guest
Wow. Not much of a story but freakin awesome! How do you do that with one word?

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