Just In
for CoG: A New Kind of Monster

4/23/2019 c3 4Monster King
Great job please continue I hope you have not given up on the story
1/16/2017 c3 1Zanzar
What happens next and when is the next chapter?
8/14/2016 c3 2ArchangleMV
r u alive
4/6/2016 c3 3Drakius Marethyu Damnati
Update this story!
11/18/2015 c3 ARSLOTHES
looking forward to the next chapter
11/2/2015 c3 1guisniperman
All in all? That shit is awesome. I'mma gonna go read the prequel now.
6/30/2015 c3 Doctor Psychosis
ya know for the first sight of kage bushin they may not...well moka wouldn't...well outer moka wouldn't think he ditched them, she'd think he spontaniously combust XD
6/30/2015 c2 Doctor Psychosis
naruto you dolt! vampires eat jelly donuts, ketchup, and chili peppers! everyone knows that XP but seriously nice chapter, though i now curious how much of an arse kicking inner would need for her to become submissive to naruto...
6/30/2015 c1 Doctor Psychosis
first: have you ever played games such as crossedge, projectXzone(projectCrosszone), the Super smash series, or playstation all stars? X_X your stories would really fit in well with those (especially crossedge and Xzone...) second: why hasn't this been done before!? its an awesome story and you'd think at least 40 others would of made it by now but your the only one with this story type...(closest i found was a bleach crossover, even then not as awesome.) third: is it wrong of me to find naruto not killing that guy upon first sight, seriously disturbing? i mean, he always made me think that if naruto or one of the other four mainstream anime gods...(well not alucard) met him they would kill him on principle...
11/15/2014 c3 PugTheMagician
i like this so far, its got the right amount of hilarity that rosario vampire had and also still doesn't have naruto as a wimp like in most harem animes. i like how meeting kurumu went, like you she is my favorite charecter. i also like how the swimming club went, its always funny to see the effects of biomass on the girls. nice one liner afterwards too. i look forward to how you will deal with the PSC, especially since i remember there being a 9 tailed fox yoko in the group so that should be interesting with kina
9/21/2014 c3 TheWickedTruth89
Great chapter, can't wait for more.
9/19/2014 c1 2dragoon109
umm did you know moka actually dosent have a good reason to hate humans?

her hate comes from the fact that she wasnt belived when she told a culture who was made NOT to believe in monsters that she was one, and a vampire no less.

know what dose any SANE people do?

stay the fuck away from crasy people.


self preservation.


ugh in canon he wasnt abused. dont know about your naruto cant remember his history. but people have every right to want to live! containers ARE unstable and can go berserk with out warning. kumo proved that.
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