Just In
for Heirs of the Ancients: Gift of Fire

11/13/2015 c13 loloree
I really hope you can finish this!
7/24/2015 c1 koolkat
Hey, it is so amazing so far. Is this the first or second book ? Love ya story so much!
2/22/2015 c10 3Olo Eopia03
yay! You're back!
I'm sorry I haven't reviewed sooner, bcause I have taken the opportunity to read this story from the first chapter again to read chapter 10 with a fresh mind. Being a bit busy, you can see how that took ages to complete. But I'm glad I reread your story! The plot is going very nicely, and I am still in love with all the characters :) Aaron is cool! I really liked the last bit about his POV and how he reacts with Brooke and Krystol. I'm a little frustrated at how much the two girls fight though, which I think is kind of the point. I hope everything goes better for them! I wanna see brooke and Krystol be amazing and kick monster butt!

hope to see u soon :)
-Olo Eopia03
4/13/2014 c9 Olo Eopia03
Oh my. Ur alive.
*cheers in happiness*
Hai again! I was really starting to think that Krystal, Brooke, and Aaron wpuld be gone forever and Nick would never ever be saved, but when this update came my throat seriously clenched and all my excitement started bubbling up. Haha I loved the connection between Florida and the Sunshine State, relating it to Aaron. This whole chapter was amazing! Glad you're back, ol pal ;)
-Olo Eopia03
4/13/2014 c9 10Insert Valid Author Name
She's alive! She's aliiiiiiiivee! And with an awesome chapter (albeit a bit short XD)! Glad to have you back!
4/12/2013 c7 8PSdancer54
This chapter was so great! The time difference doesn't matter as much as the fact that you're continuing to write. Keep writing!
3/16/2013 c7 Ctrmimi123
I absolutaly live ur stories! They are so creative and well written. They put a spin on a well loved story that no one would expect. I love how u u use some funny little quotes from the books and come up with humerous chapter titles. It is such a thrill to read ur stories please update soon!
3/15/2013 c7 3Olo Eopia03
Finally :D I've been worried you stopped! :)
Hm. Krystol or Brooke? IDK I can't decide who I like better :D I like the both of them so much.
Good thing you made this chapter long to make up for your absence, because I would've thrown a tantrum
-Olo Eopia03
3/14/2013 c7 iliketoread20003
thank you I seriously was depressed without ur story
3/14/2013 c7 10Insert Valid Author Name
Woo-hoo! An update! And wow, you definitely made up for the amount of time with the chapter! Great chapter! Update soon!
9/29/2012 c1 iliketoread20003
I love ur stories!
9/29/2012 c6 Guest
great story! I read your last one too and thought it was fantastic.
9/3/2012 c6 Insert Valid Author Name
Awesome chapter, and the name isn't so bad... anyways, it was pretty obvious that Hyperion was Aaron's father. BTW, update soon!
7/28/2012 c6 x-ema-x
Hyperion! Wow Kronos and hyperion...
As if they didn't have enough trouble with the bids of the big three!

Greatabulous story!

you HAVE to carry it on
The first one was lej too
7/14/2012 c6 2Cary11
I LOVE your stories! You are such a great writer, i also lov ehow your chapters are long! PLEASE update soon this is getting interesting!

Oh and i also think there should be a cabin or saome place for the children of the Titian's
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