Just In
for Kisuke of the Bucket Hat

11/19/2021 c3 eminadaisuki
Oh? Is this Kisuke and Teresa pairing? I hope so.

Hope you'll continue it too.
9/5/2018 c1 Guest
3/15/2018 c3 5Citopal
ooh need more! love the idea of kisuke as a first generation claymore! hope he'll keep teresa from dying though, seeing as how he seems to be fond of her.
11/12/2017 c1 2Hercules8
Interesting story! I hope you will continue it! :D
4/26/2016 c3 8Light Hero Kaiser
great chapter m8 can't wait for more
4/23/2016 c3 reptoholic
Enjoyed it, hope you decide to continue in the future.
4/23/2016 c2 reptoholic
Aww, I hope he saves her.
4/23/2016 c1 reptoholic
10/22/2015 c3 pan0ply
*sigh* 3 years since the last update. I think it will probably be too much to hope for a new chapter. A shame really, this is one of the few Claymore xovers which has promise.
3/30/2014 c3 Kaldi97
8/12/2013 c3 1guisniperman
This story promise to be epic in content and in laughts. It's Kisuke after all and he's always trolling his companions unless the situation is really serious. If that's the case then he troll the ennemies,
8/2/2013 c3 Stormlight131
I am sad to see that you probably don't write for this story anymore, as it has been a while wince the last update. On the other hand, I understand the type of life engineers lead, and that this isn't going to be high on your list of priorities. Despite these assumptions, I really hope you haven't given up on this story, even more so after reading your profile page and finding someone who I can agree with on pretty much everything mentioned. Not to mention the fact that this stories brings up concepts that I hadn't even considered before pertaining to Claymore, and don't want to see it die. So here's to hoping for an update to this story!
6/27/2013 c3 10juggernaut715
more more more
5/6/2013 c3 1ilove2laflol
Nice story. Will any other characters from Bleach make an appearance? Anyway I hope you update soon
3/15/2013 c3 2Ice Night
Interesting, update soon please!
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