Just In
for The Seven Scorpions

7/23/2012 c2 Carly H
Hi TS! I told you I would read some of your stuff :) So far, I think it really is good bones for a children's novel (Rick Riordan inspired, I can see). After you finish (I like where you're going so far), fleshing it out would be a really good idea- giving more background, etc. But a great start to boot!
6/16/2012 c2 Update
Please give us Chapter Three very soon! I cannot wait to find out what will happen next!
6/16/2012 c1 Guest
I know that this is probably not the most helpful feedback, but here it is...I love it, and I want for you to write more. I haven't read Chapter Two yet, but I'm sure it's just as good. What will the men in black return with? What is going on with that Nurse Lipslow character? I'm pretty excited to find out. I just hope that you will actually update this story, unlike other stories you've written in the past.
6/15/2012 c2 This Is Getting Better
This is getting better and better! I absolutely love it! I hate scorpions too! What do you mean, the gods are introduced? Is the Nurse a god? Or do you mean the 6 foot tall scorpion? I'm confused. I like this chapter better than the chapter before it because the plot is getting very interesting. I am excited to figure out what'll happen next.
6/15/2012 c1 write more
This story is AWESOME! !

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