Just In
for Legend of the Moon Queen

10/28/2021 c16 Pantheon
It's fine, I have a crazy theory what happened next, Rei receives a frightening vision of the planet's imminent destruction...Sure they dismiss until the fateful day following the events of Bardock's.

Obviously the scouts are the only ones who believe Bardock remembering Rei's vision, so they set out on their own with a small band of the others: Rei could've used her visions to her advantage she couldn't save the king but she can the prince (so she sneaked him out of his prison), Lita manages to get a young Raditz to run with them, Ami with Tarble, Usagi get Captain Maizen...

When they were a huge distance away, having doubts, they get confirmation with a morbidly wounded Nizuki who tells them Freiza eliminated the saiyans n planet much to their despair. Usagi suggests they bide their time and find answers by going to one place: EARTH.
8/24/2015 c16 williamsdamas1
debiria seguir
7/19/2015 c16 wiovix
This story was so good, too bad there's no updates.
7/17/2015 c9 wiovix
Sadly, I just realized this story has not been updated in a long time... doesn't mean I'll stop reading though. Loving the interactions and how badass the Senshi are!
3/17/2015 c16 NoraValkyrieElysium
awesome story you got here...please continue
2/1/2015 c5 Guest
sexy sailor girls in sexy saiyan armor! my dick!
8/15/2014 c7 hellboy57999hot
Hey, and if you draw a usagi and her friends in the form of Oozaru?
7/9/2014 c16 hellboy57999hot
Why not put a serene, rei, ami, lita and mine are the small Kakarrot An understanding as a baby?
11/25/2013 c16 varee
That was interesting. Not only had you included Usagi (who is one of my least favorite characters but vital to most stories beginning in the original SM world) in your story, you managed to describe each sailor's prospective small adventures in an interesting manner.
Another big point up for Maizen as well.
I was irritated a bit by excessive amount of exclamation mark, however. I must admit using those in Minako's chapter was a fine way to highlight her (sometimes overly-) energetic character, but the narration around Rei's actions seems to be absolutely out of place with those. Maybe because I prefer manga Rei to her useless anime version.
I am convinced you'll understand what I'm talking about even though it might seem a bit.. chaotic?
Hope to see another chapter,
10/2/2013 c16 AnonymousZGirl
Awesome Chapter :D This was so worth the wait :D
and I So didn't see the whole double twin coming up XD
all so what if Dark Usagi as she was called during the 'dark' and 'light' split twins meeting..
after Sailor Pluto said those awful things she starts to cry uncontrollably and being very upset..
and she could be all like "Are we Just Monsters to you! Sailor Pluto You Can't Just think that way! if we did cross over and it did happen like she said that we might be destroyed! I couldn't let that happen! I Love Earth and all my friends and I Couldn't live with myself if Chibiusa was never born! and even though I might not be able to have that future with Mamo-Chan! I will be happy if a Part of me will live on in this universe and have that happy future!" Dark Usagi could say and the both the Dark & Light Inner scouts and even Saturn herself and all so her Light Self Usagi could be moved by her own words.
and Sailor Pluto could say "Your Words Maybe do I know your not tricking me?! Just so you can cross over!" and this could really hurt Dark Usagi's feelings as she cries...
and Light Usagi seeing her other self in pain could feel her other self pain and sadness and all so Light Usagi could feel angry at how Sailor Pluto is acting to her other self and then she could stomp over to Sailor Pluto and give her a hard slap in the face causing both doubles and even Uranus, Neptune and Saturn to gasp.
and Dark Usagi could be moved by her words and she could say "Other Me...Usagi..."
and Light Usagi could look to Dark Usagi with a gentle smile on her face
"its okay...we 'sisters' have to stick up for each other...and don't worry about Mamo-Chan I will make sure to live that future for the both of us..."Light Usagi could say as Dark Usagi could smile warmly at her other self...
"She has a point..."Saturn could say as the other three Outer scouts could look at her in shock.
"what?! what do you mean?!"Uranus could say and then Saturn could glare at her before speaking.
"I didn't want to say anything but I feel it needs to be said...I had a feeling that they were one and the same...but in any case I believe the Other Usagi when she said she doesn't want to risk having the other her and the inner scouts destroyed...even in another universe she is still very warm hearted and full of compassion in her heart...and that's why I am letting a part of me go into that Universe..." and Sailor Pluto could be in shock and anger "Sailor Saturn you must be joking?!" and Sailor Saturn could glare at Pluto "I am very serious...besides I believe that in one point even though I will think about doing this the other out come will have me only thinking about doing it but never do it...besides I think another Little Scouts all ready seem to have the same idea..."Saturn could say as behind the Tree is Sailor Mini Moon & Chibi Chibi being held by her. [the idea of Chibiusa and Chibichibi going with Sailor Saturn to the other universe well part of split twin of them selves sounds interesting and I really Hope you like it]
and both Dark & Light Usagi's could cry out "CHIBIUSA!" both with surprise and happy looks on there faces and Sailor Mini Moon could walk over to them while holding Chibichibi in her arms.
"Hey Saturn is Right besides if part of Usagi is in that Universe she is going to get in a whole mess of trouble and who is going to keep her in line and Boss her around? that's why I think I should go too! I got to let a twin version of me look after my Moon Mama."Sailor Mini Moon said with a wink and a thumbs up making both Dark & Light Usagis grumble "Hey We Don't get into trouble that much!"both said as Mini Moon could all like "Yeah Right! You Two would be Hopeless with out me to watch your Back! ain't that right ChibiChibi? your coming too right?" Mini Moon said to Chibichibi who giggles and nods her head.
"Chibiusa I don't think it is wise that you-"Sailor Pluto said but was silence by Uranus who step forward with a stern look on her face" I have to agree with Mini-Meatball head...this Usagi could need Protection and looking after and she is still as much as are Princess as this Usagi is and that's why I'm letting part of me go as well..."Uranus could say and Neptune could grab her hand and smile "Me Too...after all some one needs to watch out for you as well as are Princess.."
both Usagis could be moved by this "You Guys..."then the two Usagis could look at each other and as if reading each others minds they nod there heads and say "Yeah I agree we have Great Friends..."the two say at the same time which could creep out Both Reis could say
"its Creepy how much they think the same like twin sisters."they both say at the same time.
and the Runner could say "We Are Running out of time the portal is going to close in 19 minutes!"
then Mini Moon while holding Chibichibi could take Saturn's hand and takes Neptune's Hand who takes Uranus's hand and then Uranus could look over past Sailor Pluto
"Are you three coming too?" and Sailor Pluto could look behind her and see the three cats Luna, Artemis and Diana..."Well I couldn't very well let that Usagi go with out some Guidance so yes we will go as well..."Luna said as both Usagis could be annoyed at first but then change to happy...
then Artemis, Luna and Diana could jump into Chibichibi's arms as she hugs them tightly but not too tight and Sailor Pluto could be all like "are you all insane?! what if you were to get killed in that other universe! I mean the other yous of course but still it could be dangerous!"
and Mini Moon could look at Pluto "Please Pluto Trust Me...this has to be done..."and then all of the Scouts that was Mini Moon, Chibichibi, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune and the Three Cats Jump into the Portal with Sailor Pluto going to jump in after them to try to stop them.
and when the Outer and Mini Moon and Chibichibi and the Cats enter the other universe with Sailor Pluto as well...
Outer Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Mini Moon and Chibichibi are now saiyans..
but Mini Moon who is now Chibiusa her hair isn't Black Like the rest her hair is pure white color save her eyes that could be the same color as the other scouts who are now saiyans.
and Ami could get a message from the other side that Uranus, Neptune, Mini Moon, Saturn, Chibichibi and the Cats didn't make it through the portal cause it closed before they could jump in and the Ami who the Saiyan could tell them differently that it did work and the two out comes had there twin selves make it through and in the other out come has them be too late to enter.
and as for The Cats Artemis, Luna and Diana they could of been made into like Frieza's Race but Not Cold Blooded Killers but they still have there calm and nice natures but in a fight they could try to protect there Princesses and the Sailor Scouts.
Luna could be like a Black Color with where the purple should be could be Yellow instead and her eyes could be Blue instead of Red like they were in her Cat Form.
and Usagi could tell that is Luna cause she could still have the Moon mark on her forehead and she could run over and Hug her "LUNA!"
and Artemis could be a pure off white gray color and where the purple should be like Frieza's could be a pure White instead with a Moon Mark on his forehead.
and Diana could be the only one different from her Parents she could look more human like and she could have hair on her head that is a purplish gray color and she could have Blue eyes now instead of Red like her Mother's and she could have a Monkey Tail instead like the outer, inners, Mini Moon, Chibichibi and Saturn Have.
and Diana could get a Flash of new memories that could appear in her mind that the reason why she isn't like her parents is because Many Years Later on another Earth Luna & Artemis made a Wish on the Dragon Balls to be Saiyans like there Princess and they were transform into Saiyans and her parents in the future told her this story and she could of been in a room with Chibiusa, Saturn, Chibichibi who could be dress in some kinda clothes that could be the same as Dende and Dende could be next to her acting like a Big Brother to Her.
and Sailor Pluto could be a Saiyan as well and she could be shocked that there was two out comes that she did make it through while the other part of herself didn't get to go through and had missed the portal with there other selves as the portal closes.
I Hope you like this idea and all so Please Keep up the Awesome Job and sorry I was late reading this *hugs*
9/23/2013 c16 Guest
This is pretty cool! I love this! Though I have a question about the myth. I think Usagi is the princess, the South Prince as Endymion, but whose the hunter? Can't wait for the next update!
9/10/2013 c16 moonangelpanda
Thank You so much for the update! Really enjoyed the twist about double sailors. Can't wait till the next update.
9/9/2013 c16 19Puffgirl1952 the 2nd
Keep rocking, rolling and writting...
9/9/2013 c16 RandomName3064
nice chapter

inter-dimensional physics and theories were well done. adding Schrödinger's cat paradox was a good idea. it keep those 5 in the DBZ-verse while keeping them in the original universe at the same time.

also, i currently have free time if you need someone to help with grammar and form in your chapters.
9/9/2013 c16 16Jewlbunny
Wow, what are they going to do now? Hope to read more soon.
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