Just In
for Legend of the Moon Queen

12/8/2012 c15 16Jewlbunny
12/8/2012 c15 34Whiteling
What? Aw man...
12/8/2012 c15 1Crispywheat
I was so excited to see An update I love this story! But now I am sad since this was an awesome story... If it means anything to you I did not even catch you grammar mistakes and English is my only language!
12/6/2012 c10 minnieshon
What is with you and the words “remember" and “remind"? You don't use them the right way at all. (Ex: When rei is in the throne room the pink alien reminded her of the cook makoto bested.) That's how that word it's used. You use the word remember more like this (ex: try to think back and remember what you saw in your vision)
10/31/2012 c2 2Echelon9
Damn, I thought this was going to be manga sailor moon. Still an interesting concept though; I'll keep reading.
10/1/2012 c14 RandomName3064
i like it


some grammatical errors and things abound in the story, but everybody seems in character (side note- i LOVE vegeta LOL.)

i wanna note that bardock's sons name is raditz not radish (even though that IS actually what his name stands for. imagine that...) and you spelled kakarot wrong.

i love the legend you did in ami's chapter. adding obvious ties to the SM mythio and having it still correlate to the first super sayian was a wonderful touch.

i also wonder how far this story plans to go. id love to see it transverse the DBZ saga (maybe DB too if your really gonna do with kakarot what i THINK you are...) if you dont wanna drag it that far in one story, you can always end it where you want, and have the proceding events happen in a sequel story if you so choose to continue with it.

all-in-all: awesome story, can WAIT to read more, but get a new beta reader for some of those grammatical errors :)
8/31/2012 c14 8Xipholynx
I just re-read this from the beginning. I still love it! 3 You are an excellent writer.
8/25/2012 c14 16Jewlbunny
Well this is a good chapter. I hope to read more soon. Is it Planthor, or perhaps Malaka that is behind all of this. Please continue writing.
8/25/2012 c14 34Whiteling
SM no, don't help Nappa! He's a demon, he's a monster compared to how the others'll turn out!
8/24/2012 c14 AnonymousZGirl
Awesome Rei won! I think what Usagi did for Nappa is very sweet even if he is a cruel it is very nice and pure of Usagi even as a Saiyan she's still Usagi, hopefully Nappa wont mistake Usagi's Kindness for her to be in love with him or something XD
hopefully not. but any way Awesome Job keep up the great work, I wonder if Nappa will live or not...?
8/17/2012 c13 3Half-beastdragonsoul2013
Your fanfic is impressive. So far, Usagi, Makoto and Minako are able to use their Senshi attacks normally. I don't really understand why you switched Tarble and Vegeta's ages, though.
8/17/2012 c13 16Jewlbunny
I like that you put a lot of thought in the files. It helps make more since of the Saiyans. I also like Usagi's misadventure. Please continue writing.
8/16/2012 c13 AnonymousZGirl
Awesome! it seems that the children seem to adore Usagi, I so did not see that kiss coming though oh well any way Keep up the great work on this story :)
8/16/2012 c13 Crystal
I rate this chapter ten happy faces...

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

8/16/2012 c13 2SeleneAnadyomene
I can't wait o see how Rei beats Nappa. Great stor so far.
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