Just In
for Loves Me Not

7/29/2020 c33 Sarah
Amazing. I'm so glad I found this story. Hanako is a great name.
7/29/2020 c32 Sarah
Yeeeeesss! Lee! Lee became my favorite character after he saved Sakura from the evil sound nin in the forest of death. I loved how he so politely asked how he could help. Silly Ino who doubted his abilities.
7/29/2020 c31 Sarah
What an adorable chapter of Chouji getting flowers for Ino and expressing how much he cared for Ino!
7/29/2020 c30 Sarah
Beautiful chapter. I hope the child in the womb survives. Shikamaru is such a good husband.
7/29/2020 c28 Sarah
Oh my gosh! What just happened?
7/29/2020 c27 Sarah
I was about to giggle when Ino yelled she was dying until I noticed she was bleeding. Yikes.

Super sweet chapter of a husband and wife.
7/29/2020 c26 Sarah
I just loved the comparison between Temari and Ino here. Desired compared to needed. A powerful element compared to a beautiful, delicate flower. It would make sense that Shikamaru would come to appreciate the latter, especially with how he wondered why his dad married such a scary and dominant woman. Also, Temari seemed to become even more dominant after they got married compared to when they were dating, haha.
7/29/2020 c25 Sarah
Aww, so cute how much they care for each other.
7/29/2020 c24 Sarah
Beautiful chapter! I love how Shikamaru is beginning to see his feelings for her and that it's okay to have them.
So cute how everyone came over to express their blessings.
7/29/2020 c23 Sarah
Lol, I was not expecting twins! I hope Shikamaru gets twin girls because they will be sure to make his life as 'troublesome' as possible!

I enjoyed the detail of Ino slathering her stomach with creams to prevent stretch marks. I would probably do that too.
7/29/2020 c22 Sarah
Ino is so adorable for always making breakfast for Shikamaru. And funny how his clothes looked like a cow had been chewing on them. This way he'll look good for when he's taking out evil bandits.
7/29/2020 c20 Sarah
Lol, I was not expecting Shikamaru to reach out and flip the switch on the lamp.

Very sweet how he doesn't expect payment.
7/29/2020 c19 Sarah
Those wedding vows were positively beautiful!
7/29/2020 c18 Sarah
This chapter made me so giddy! I love fantasizing about my future wedding and house.

I just can't get over how wonderful Shikamaru is. He paid for the ring, he's gonna pay for their house, and he let her pick the curtains and everything? He's amazing!
7/29/2020 c17 Sarah
That was wild! I can't imagine being confronted by both Gaara and Kankuro while they're raging mad. How did Shakamaru get out of that one?
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