Just In
for Synchronized Beating of Broken Hearts

10/30/2012 c18 25Lilou004
Wow ! I love it ! They finally open up to one other ! Now I really hope for more and more and more ! Great job !
10/30/2012 c18 6melindaWRITER
love, love , love, love, love. Love love love love love love love love? Love love live love lot love!

sorry momentarily forgot words there...
10/19/2012 c17 Guest
please post the next chapter soon!
10/11/2012 c17 mollyc1234
can you update again please? like 3 more chapters? i love the college and high school best friend turning into love fics. do a kiss!
10/2/2012 c17 3writergril
Very nice! I loved how Beckett was thinking about her friendship with Castle, and how she thought that she'd be probably the last thing in his mind, and she didn't know how she actually was the first thing in his mind. Update soon! :)
10/1/2012 c17 62nathy.faithy
Love the chapter, probably one of my favorites too! For reasons such as Kate noticing her own feelings towards the handsome writer and the fact that Rick understands his mothers vision.
10/1/2012 c17 25Lilou004
Nice chapter :) Love it
10/1/2012 c17 MORE MORE MORE
next chapter pleaseeeeee
9/24/2012 c16 Guest
Ahh so good! Please upload another chapter soon!
9/13/2012 c16 VIOLET1213
Just cauht up with your story, and loving keep them chapters for writing.
9/11/2012 c16 1Green-Eyes-and-Bushy-Hair
Aw darn now that you mentioned that kiss, I want it, to see your plan in action:)
9/9/2012 c16 62nathy.faithy
OMG! He figured out who his father really is! FREAKING OUT!
More please!
9/9/2012 c16 3writergril
LOVE IT! I loved the Martha and Kate private chat thingy. And Lanie's and Kate's conversation. But you should do longer chapters, so you will keep readers more busy while doing next chapter. This way we don't have to wait long for another GREAT chapter. Keep up good work, luck! :)
9/9/2012 c16 6melindaWRITER
I loved this chapter so much! It kept me on the edge of my seat right until that cliffhanger!
9/9/2012 c16 25Lilou004
Oh God ! What happend now ?
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