Just In
for Synchronized Beating of Broken Hearts

8/11/2012 c12 laurav88
It's time for them to get together..seriously!
8/11/2012 c12 annie
I'm really curious about this they end up together?I hope update!
8/8/2012 c11 3writergril
Actually pretty good story, I like it. :) But, you should do longer chapters, better to read. :)
8/8/2012 c11 2detkatebeckett
You're breaking my heart! Can't wait for more!
8/7/2012 c11 62nathy.faithy
Ah, poor of them. Kate for being scared, Rick for being heartbroken and not able to deal with it.
Just wonder how she's gonna be with him, ignore him or fight?
xoxo :)
8/7/2012 c11 1Green-Eyes-and-Bushy-Hair
Oh no Kate please don't think like that! Poor Castle, but atleast Kyra is out of the way now hehe.
I see Castle and Beckett are angry with each other but I believe they will collide to form a caskett a bang lol.
8/7/2012 c11 0987654321ASDFGHJKL
Yeah another chapter. a dramatic nice.
8/7/2012 c11 BonesnBooth
Poor Rick, bad timing for the guy. Can't stand Kyra
8/7/2012 c11 17ShannonJethroGideonCastleSnape
i think they need to sit and talk but if they're anything like the Kate and Rick we all know and love I feel the gang is going to have to lock them in a room together to help them sort their issues out before Meredith shows up and makes things a living nightmare
8/7/2012 c10 KB4RC
Great story so far.
8/7/2012 c10 0987654321ASDFGHJKL
short chapter but i like what's is going on.. :D
8/7/2012 c10 1Green-Eyes-and-Bushy-Hair
Lol I can't wait for Kate to taste smorelette:)
Their first Always in this story.
The hug between Castle and Kate was sweet and reminded me if the deleted scene from the show where Castle hugs her.
They are so cute together ( I sound like Lanie now)
Can't wait for more.
8/7/2012 c10 62nathy.faithy
LOL! The smorelette! LOL! One day I gotta try the crazy thing out, must be disgusting, but maybe not, go figure!
I can imagine Rick with his heart broken crying alone at night.
xoxo ;)
8/7/2012 c10 mc7297
I love this I think they are beginning to like each other they just can't see it yet anyways please update soon I can't wait for more :)
8/7/2012 c10 2detkatebeckett
Oh man, I ove this more and more with each chapter! Can't wait for the next one!
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