Just In
for Synchronized Beating of Broken Hearts

8/1/2012 c9 1Green-Eyes-and-Bushy-Hair
I am happy to see that the characters are developing beautifully.
They are true friends now! Can't wait for it to grow into more. But I guess all in due time:)
Tell us more about their housing arrangements like their dinners together, things like that.
See ya
8/1/2012 c9 Guest
I love how their friendship is progessing :) update soon please!
8/1/2012 c9 62nathy.faithy
Nice chapter, next one we will have Kyra breaking his heart?
I can barely wait!
8/1/2012 c9 barbie
That's wonderful! Please update soon, I can't wait! :D
7/31/2012 c9 2detkatebeckett
Aww man I really loved how they opened up to each other! Can't wait for the next chapter!
7/26/2012 c8 62nathy.faithy
Seems quite good, let's see were you take us.
xoxo ;)
7/26/2012 c8 2detkatebeckett
I LOVED is! And I love the character progression that you're creating! Can't wait for more!
7/26/2012 c8 1Green-Eyes-and-Bushy-Hair
I loved Kate's comment about them being quite a pair. It's good to see their friendship is progressing.
I want to see things moving more. So an early update is in order, I think;)
7/26/2012 c8 angie
I love this story! please upadate soon! :)))
7/26/2012 c8 Guest
I love this so far! And I'm glad you brought the rest of the Boston Police Department in on it! It wouldn't be the same without Ryan and Esposito hanging around! Can't wait to find out how things progress with Castle and Beckett
7/26/2012 c8 16unorthodox-oblivion
Sooooooooo CUTE!
7/26/2012 c8 15Caskett Hopeful
oh that was so sad ... and so good at the same time !
looking forward to the next update !
7/15/2012 c7 Diekzfailz
great to see all the gang together! are you setting up Jim's alcoholism?
7/14/2012 c7 1Green-Eyes-and-Bushy-Hair
I loved it:) Now we are going to the fun parts. Bring it on!
7/14/2012 c7 1donothaveagentleheart
Love it! Please continue!
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