Just In
for She Must Be Dealt With

10/23/2024 c16 grumpieroldman
maybe some day you'll get back to updating this gem.
3/20/2024 c16 Rome4
Pretty please finish this story. Thats one hell of a cliffhanger. i l9ve all your stories.
1/31/2024 c16 Guest
Love this, but why didn’t you post anything again come on I’m desperate for the story to have an end
1/17/2024 c16 dodgemom3826
really good story i wish there was more.
7/9/2023 c2
I think I have read this before but years ago. I don't remember much so here I go again!
7/9/2023 c1
this is so funny, Bella knowing everything and Jasper in shock.
12/5/2022 c16 2XxFantasyFiascoxX
This is amazing! I can’t wait to read more. You’ve got me on my toes plot-wise! I would love to see Bella really shake off that attitude and embrace her humanity. I would also like to see Jasper embrace his vampiric side. It’s evident that both want what the other so willingly avoids and I’d like to see them embrace their less familiar sides in an effort to get to that middle ground! Great writing!
10/21/2022 c16 Navywife07
Please update
8/9/2022 c16 EilonwyOfAvalon
I’m only following this story in the off chance it gets continued…or even finished…I’ll be notified. Given the fact it took eight years to post sixteen chapters (the most recent being two years ago), I have low expectations. I get that real life takes precedence. Nearly every fanfic writer pleads it in their author notes. Really, I get it and absolutely agree. But why start a story without an idea of how it’ll be wrapped up? If you have the outline, why not just finish writing it?

It’s a shame; this story had potential. I enjoyed most of what I read.
7/19/2022 c16 Emo4
please update.
2/15/2022 c16 ChaoticH
Good story, I hope you come back to it.
12/31/2021 c1 Emo4
checking in to see if I missed a update, glad I didn't. please update soon.
9/17/2021 c16 4beckylovestwilight
Love it update soon can't wait for next chapter xx
7/19/2021 c16 10Windwoman
please come back to finish this story. you have the perfect Jasper and I would love the rest of the story!
2/7/2021 c16 Guest
Very sad that 5his is unfinished
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