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for Why Can't Life Be Fair?

1/18/2013 c5 redtonguesandhands72
no no NO! don't stop now! we're just getting to a really important chapter! then there's the chapter after that! and those chapters have to be right, they just have to! what happens next? does go to swing the bat square in the face of sherlock? you can't wait until next week. don't be lazy. just post the damn chapter!
12/3/2012 c5 81sherlocks-skeletal-warlock
This is awesome!
8/2/2012 c5 9I Dont Know What Im Doing
Did not expect Sherlock flinging himself after John, nice. Happy happy, now. Look forward to more.
8/2/2012 c3 I Dont Know What Im Doing
Wanted to review by chapter but can't stop now. Must know what's next. I Must!
8/1/2012 c1 I Dont Know What Im Doing
Oh what a great beginning. Great in that I'm worried for John. :)
7/22/2012 c5 7FluffshipIsMagic
I can't believe I haven't reviewed this! It's one of my favorite stories, I love it to death (No pun intended). The writing is amazing, and your characters are spot on. The scenes are the perfect mix of angst and fluff. So, please please please update soon. Lots of love to you!
7/17/2012 c4 21Sendai
Argh! Horrible cliff hangers! Love your works anyway!
7/3/2012 c5 Guest
Very nice, that was a lot of fun!

7/2/2012 c5 Guest
just the image of Mrs. Hudson creeping in on them with a bat in her hand is well worth the wait...well done...:)
6/29/2012 c4 4power0girl

More plz!

6/29/2012 c1 power0girl
Awesome. Now on to part 2!
6/29/2012 c4 Sherwhotalian
I'm glad I didn't catch this story earlier, or I would have been furious with all of the cliffhangers! I definitely like the story so far. Both John and Sherlock seem to be very emotional, maybe too much so. I wish the chapters would be a bit longer, but that's your decision. Thank you.
6/28/2012 c4 4uzumaki misaki
Yay! That was a great resolution! I sure didn't see that coming! Awesome chapter! I love how you have Mycroft realize how much Sherlock cares for John. I think that even in canon, Sherlock would do the same as you have here. Good job!
6/28/2012 c4 10ds9jullian
Nice work, I can't wait to read more.
6/28/2012 c4 dianaj2w
and now? poor John,... poor Sherlock ... the pain,,,, OMG
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