1/3/2013 c5
Should've done it earlier, Jason! Anyways, loving it and can't wait for the next update! Alex XD X}

Should've done it earlier, Jason! Anyways, loving it and can't wait for the next update! Alex XD X}
1/3/2013 c5
Cool idea! But you need more Percy and Annabeth! Of course, this is your story so, of course, you don't have to. Anyway, update soon please!

Cool idea! But you need more Percy and Annabeth! Of course, this is your story so, of course, you don't have to. Anyway, update soon please!
1/3/2013 c5
Omg I love this please please update.I didnt except her and will to shocking,I thought she would say yes to Jason I wonder how Jason please update I can't wait!

Omg I love this please please update.I didnt except her and will to shocking,I thought she would say yes to Jason I wonder how Jason please update I can't wait!
1/3/2013 c5
WHAT?! Pipers dating Will?! That's just wrong. Hope Jiper happens soon! Can't wait for more! :)

WHAT?! Pipers dating Will?! That's just wrong. Hope Jiper happens soon! Can't wait for more! :)
1/3/2013 c4 Mags
Hey, dezi-cakes! Once again, LUB ur writing, and the Jasper thing. I read ur works for a reason! Jason, I think should be like a down to earth guy, and with a little insecure-ish-ness in his character.
I could say this forever, but I LUB ur writing! Keep posting!
Hey, dezi-cakes! Once again, LUB ur writing, and the Jasper thing. I read ur works for a reason! Jason, I think should be like a down to earth guy, and with a little insecure-ish-ness in his character.
I could say this forever, but I LUB ur writing! Keep posting!
12/22/2012 c4
6Tori Daughter of Apollo
That was great and I loved it. You gotta update soon. This thing is just too addicting.

That was great and I loved it. You gotta update soon. This thing is just too addicting.
11/27/2012 c4
I wonder what's up with jason and Leo... This is a great chapter! Please update!

I wonder what's up with jason and Leo... This is a great chapter! Please update!
10/31/2012 c4
It's ok, I loved the chapter! Some people are for Jiper and some are for Jeyna. I'm glad you're Jiper! I like you already. Keep this story up!

It's ok, I loved the chapter! Some people are for Jiper and some are for Jeyna. I'm glad you're Jiper! I like you already. Keep this story up!
10/10/2012 c3 DELOSSANTOS7600