Just In
for What Are You?

10/31/2017 c5 Paul
Archibald chapter wasn’t quite as good as the others, and I’m not sure if it was the best note to end on, but it was decent to. Liked he literary references, like the tiger one (especially considering the max issue of the same name).
The nicknames he gave his attackers and the speed they got take out with added to the chapter.
Wouldn’t mind seeing you come back to this someday, there’s a lot more you could do with the setting, maybe even throw in cannon characters like one of he kitchen Irish mob or Mickey fondozzi
10/31/2017 c4 Paul
Arnold was another compelling character. I was a little worried,given his neutrality, that he might end up dead to and am relieved he didn’t and got money for a new life. Like the lead up to him realizing who his patient was.
10/31/2017 c3 Paul
Liked this chapter a lot to but wish punisher actually appeared. The argument between parks and Stevens really got to me, especially because it’s one I have internally a lot trying to get a feel for the punisher and other fictional characters like him, rarely reaching a firm consensus one way or the other these days. Like how you us both make some good points.
10/31/2017 c2 Paul
Another good chapter especially on the heels of the last.
Marcone seeing himself as civilized curled by lip a little. Still, he did impress me a little in realizing the ambush and trying to fight back. Good touch having him being one of he replacements for a past boss castle killed and worrying about it repeating. Odd he didn’t connect he dots immediately hearing about the warehouse fire, especially considering John and tommy already seemed to be consderifnpunisher might show up.
Marcone was a piece of work, but felt a twinge if sympathy about how ugly he died. Guess it’s hard not getting just a little invested in POV characters who don’t reach Cersei Lannister levels of cruelety, obnoxious manner and ruthlessness.
Wish we’d found out a little more about big tommy.
10/31/2017 c1 Paul
John, Carlo and Enzo were interesting villain characters. Like Johns calm acceptance about how either the punisher wouldn’t show up or he would and they’d die. His ghost heart was interesting. Really hope he got away from the shootout. His dearth is never explicitly mentioned.
Enzo’s theory about the punisher being made up was entertaining, although less than Johns, even if he was wrong.
Carlo hiding in the crate then sterling himself to fight was very suspenseful.
2/17/2013 c5 19BLAKKSTONE
AH! An update!

Well done!

The point of view of a drunken poet is entertaining! This character reminded me of the drunk informant we saw in the 1989 Punisher movie. It's not a knock: I liked that character.

This certainly helps with the urban legend/creature of the night aspects of this version of The Punisher.

I appreciated the TYGER, TYGER reference to both the poem and Ennis's one-shot.

Good work!
11/24/2012 c4 BLAKKSTONE
Great chapter once again. The previous non-signed review was me as well.

Having the point of view of otehr characters, it's been done before, but I like how you first presented CASTLE as a force of nature and later as a man, not young, vulnerable and mortal. Great work!
11/5/2012 c3 Guest
Great chapter. Great dialogue. Good arguments on both sides, well done. Hope we see more of those guys.

Glad to see an update!

Keep it coming!
8/23/2012 c2 BLAKKSTONE
Great stuff.

Atmosphere, dialogue, interior monologue...

This is better than UNTOLD TALES OF PUNISHER MAX...

Carry on!
7/8/2012 c1 262wingo
"Those black, ghostly eyes of Death itself."

If you hold to the "Punisher: Born" continuity, they might very well have been. Good fic, very interesting.
7/3/2012 c1 19BLAKKSTONE

1-Glad to see you back in action!

2-Very interesting! I like this! You are taking the "urban mythical force of nature" thing to a whole new level. This really feels like a vicious Spirit Of Vengeance has descended upon these poor thugs...Very intrigued and definitely hooked...Hope to see more soon!
7/1/2012 c1 Guest
Wow that's one of the best I have ever read!

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