Just In
for The Life of an International Superstar

12/25/2012 c13 1Athena's gray owl
Great ending, I can't wait to read the sequel!
Athena's Gray Owl
12/24/2012 c12 distances
Oh, yay. Can't beleive so much has happened while I've had no internet! Great job! :D
12/22/2012 c12 2Aishani108
I love the sequel idea but there ha to be Jadoer your the best person to write Jasper
12/22/2012 c12 3percabeth12141711
I really liked your story! It was amazing and I can't wait for the sequel... Keep writing!
12/22/2012 c12 5AllySecretlyLikesYou
K. BTW, nice story. I love Jasper, Percabeth and Tratie, and this story is one of my favorites.
12/22/2012 c12 Guest
Please please PLEASE for the sequel, there needs to be looooooaaaaddss of Jasper, I loved this story, mainly becasuse of the Jasper scenes!
12/21/2012 c12 4EmilyJackson-Hero
Can't wait!
12/21/2012 c12 14Andromeda-To-The-Demitria
Yes! There's a sequel!
12/19/2012 c11 2AwesomeA102938
Will Liam be dying?
12/19/2012 c11 4EmilyJackson-Hero
This is good! Don't make Liam win, have them do something else! Update soon please!
12/19/2012 c11 2Aishani108
I'm confused thought did he send them that picture and your right this is the shortest punt of time u did update it.
12/19/2012 c2 1kitten in cup
This is really good! I normally don't read Jasper but your story is so awesome I couldn't resist.
12/19/2012 c11 12TeamPiper
12/19/2012 c11 14Andromeda-To-The-Demitria
I. Love. This. Story! So sad to see it almost come to an end ):
12/19/2012 c10 1ImWritingInThisSec
I've been writing a story like this, Jason being famous and falling for Piper, haven't post it yet. you story is really good I would have never come with the idea of Piper trying to ruin his career, really original. Can't wait for next chapter
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