Just In
for The Life of an International Superstar

12/19/2012 c10 7DrieSummersDaughterOfApollo
Amazing! I love it. Ugh, I hate cliff hangers.
12/19/2012 c10 2Aishani108
12/19/2012 c10 3Olympus's Scribe
Oooh update!
12/18/2012 c10 12TeamPiper
Loved it!
12/18/2012 c10 4EmilyJackson-Hero
REally good! And i feel you bro. I had so many finals to take it wasn't even funny. Keep up the great work!
12/17/2012 c9 athena
pleasepleasepleaspleasepleas epleasepleasepleasepleaseple asepleasepleasepleasepleasep leaseplease continue the story cuz it;s getting really good.
12/17/2012 c9 13YoursTruelyAnonymous
Awwww you used my name :D Thanks!
12/17/2012 c9 42nikitabella
Gods this is...please update SOON. I just can't wait. Hurry up! Oh, you rock by the way.:)) kidding: youre amazing, i love this story!
12/17/2012 c9 3Olympus's Scribe
Ooh so exciting!
12/16/2012 c9 1Musickmage
NOOOOOOOO! Oh gods, he would hit a girl!? HECK TO THE NO! Piper better get herself after him and kick Liam's no good, sorry behind to the bottom of the atlantic! SAVE JASON! Go Girl Power! Love this story! Sorry this review was so random! Update soon!
12/16/2012 c9 2Aishani108
I don't know why but Liam Reminds me of Liam Hensworth.I can't believe he kicked piper I thought it was illegal to kick a girl I guess I was wrong.
12/16/2012 c8 11MissMatchedEyes
I think I'm the 100th reviewer, I love this! Can't wait to see what happens! :)
12/16/2012 c8 42nikitabella
Please update soon, i simply love this story. You are amazing! :)) Keep it up!
12/15/2012 c8 1V.I.D Vishii
its so hard to find a Jasper story. i love this one. how funny would it be if there really was an organisation that liked to ruin the lives of stars. i would love that.
12/15/2012 c8 Love-Blue-Cupcakes
AHHHHH! SAVE THE PICTURE! YES, GET IN THE CAR. **mental thought**Piper's such a BAMF.**end of mental thought**WHAT?! THE CHAPTER'S OVER? ...I'm going to review.
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