Just In
for With the Tide

2/21/2022 c36 Miraneko19
Finally finished reading the sequel too, wouldve binged the whole thing had so many life things not gotten in the way ToT but gosh this story is SO fucking good! Its amazing! I still REALLY love the characterizations, Kuramas especially and I absolutely love when Yusuke is written like this like.. HIM too, I always make the joke that hes my emotional support dog/character and when times got angsty, especially during that makai trip and Reinas recovery, he always made me feel INSTANTLY better and I adore that! You did such a fantastic job! Because boy this entire THING was such a ROLLERCOASTER. A rollercoaster and a half. But I love it from start to finish, and im still SUPER thankful you took the time to write and share this with all of us and that I found it when I did! Still wish I found this story earlier, but it really helped kick off 2022 better for me so thank you again, and I hope youve been well!
1/2/2019 c31 inuyasha1brak
This one had my heart racing the whole time. Your descriptions are AMAZING they just draw me in!
2/28/2017 c15 sesshomarusdancer
Did not realize I wasn't signed in. So to re-ask the question I probably just sent you as a random person. I feel dumb... remind me who Maya is again please?
2/27/2017 c15 Guest
I feel dumb... remind me of who Maya is please?
2/22/2017 c6 sesshomarusdancer
Are you aware that according to your dialogue, Kaito lost the game with Kurama long before it was over? You wrote, "A challenging mind-game Minamino... ready for a conceeding?" The letter Y was already taboo at that point. Not sure if anyone else caught that. I'm enjoying your story!
7/16/2015 c25 7GoodEnoughTheOpenDoor
Hiiii... *rubs back on neck bashfully* So... I know I've been gone for an uber long amount of time...
Life has been rather taxing over god knows how long, but it's hit a very, very lovely stable positive atmosphere. So actual review time... hmm where to start... beginning sounds good:
Thank you for the little OTOS shout out at the beginning A/N. I think I actually blushed. :P
I was worried I had forgotten too much to pick it up where I left off, but about half way through it all flooded back too me and I thought to myself "well damn, I've never felt so similar to Reina before!" But surprisingly, I remembered everything. I mean, how could I not. This is like the best story in the world!
So, needless to say, I know what I'M doing for the rest of the week! *clicks next button*
6/4/2015 c36 2Selenay Of Antioch
This has been a fabulous read, and I loved every bit. This is amazing, and I'm glad I went through to re-read Against The Grain, and With The Tide. I'll be starting on the rest soon, too! Can't wait, your story keeps me up at night, I can't set it down, it's so good. Phenomenal, when I have a toddler to tire me out during the day, and another one sucking the rest of my energy out from the inside. (We're due in October, yay!)

This story is that exciting! Wow!
5/24/2015 c1 Selenay Of Antioch
I love your works, but I've mostly been away from ff for so long, I think I need to read all your stories all over again.

I'll enjoy every paragraph.
1/2/2015 c1 NanneroftheWE
Whoa! Love the change! :)
12/30/2014 c36 NanneroftheWE
This was awesome! :D Sad to see it end though! Also, why, in the very beginning of Against the Grain, did she go see whoever she went to see, to tell this story? That was never answered. So maybe if you do go threw with a third installment, you can tie that back in. Just a thought. But I've loved this. Thanks for sharing your story! :D
9/22/2014 c36 1Aly Goode
Wow! Wow! Wow! Lmao, I have negleted everything so I could finish this AMAZING fic! Truly AMAZING! A part of me wishes that Reina would still have her powers! But everything else was just so, magical! I was really sad to se Ryo go and I had anticipated Kuronue's return with a body of his own!

Great work! It was an amazing fic and I am glad that I read a really wonderful piece. I really love Reina. Especially when she would tease Kuwabara or Yuseke. And when she would get mad at Hiei, lol. Though I wonder, whose letter was it that he kept that wasn't written by Yukina? Was it maybe Reina?

And the moments between Kurama and Reina were to die for! Literally, I felt like a hand was squeezing my heart when Kurama told Reina how utterly scared and helpless he felt when she lost her memories. So many beautiful moments between those two! I really do hope you consider adding a third installment to this series! I really hope you do!
4/11/2014 c36 Esta2000
Amazing end! I can't wait to read more of your amazing. I'd love to see more, thank you for the entertainment! Beautifully done :)
3/31/2014 c36 SomewhereAwayFromTheSun
It's probably weird having this be over for you. I agree, it's weird for me as well. I read revised ATG I think in April '13 and thus my journey with you began almost a year ago today...and ofc, you've been writing this baby much longer. D haha - it almost feels like I just accomplished something and can now happily close a chapter in my own life as well. Thank you for being a dedicated writer who didn't give up halfway though. I have issues with my own free-time writings, and it's amazing to me that you updated at least once per month with at least 10 page chapters on top of college and whatever else was going on in your life...and that's really, really awesome cuz I have problems sometimes even getting a page written from the thoughts in my head. It was a fun adventure being able to relive YYH with some new characters added to the mix! This is just a final review to express my gratitude! You kept the canons mostly true to their character, and I really enjoyed the aspects of the narrative that followed along with the show's storyline. I didn't think I'd ever like a canon/OC fic so much. Keep being a star!
3/30/2014 c36 3xXWinterWhispersXx
Wonderful story - Killed me and revived me with all the feels it gave me. You truly are a gifted writer. I hope to read more of your stories :D


3/28/2014 c17 2Lhian Ackerman
OMG! Love your story!
So sorry if I couldn't leave reviews every now and then.
I've been having an internal conflict.
To review or not to review?
That is the question.
Too absorbed in the story to acknowledge the former.
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