Just In
for Fallen Angel

10/29/2013 c1 19A Lily By Any Other Name
Your character is a Mary-Sue and you need spellcheck.
8/31/2012 c3 RandomHyperChild
this is awesome!
8/18/2012 c3 black star beauty
i like this story so far. hope you get to loki and tony soon! can't wait for an update! :)
8/14/2012 c1 6Tricked Wings
I'm sorry to break this to you, hun, but your OC is a complete Mary-Sue. Powerful, liked by all the main characters, is loved by all, and color-changing eyes are just some traits of a Sue, and your character possesses all of those.

You should work on your grammar as well.

I'm not trying to be mean or flame; all I'm trying to do is help you. With the grammar issue, use . That will help with your grammar and spelling mistakes.

As far as your OC goes, try taking the Mary-Sue Litmus Test at . They have the best one I've come across.

Good luck with your next story!
8/8/2012 c3 random chicka21
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh goooooooooooooooood continue! ps POPTARTS RULE
7/30/2012 c1 Liz
Mary sue.
7/29/2012 c3 IamTheBlaze
Me: I love it I love it I love it! *Dance around the room,*
Hawkeye: Don't mind her, *grins at me affectionately* she loves your story, so do I. And the soutout, kind of rocked her day.
Me: *shouts still dancing* It was horrible but now it's PRO!
Hawkeye: she wants to be in it! But don't worry you dont have to,
MNe: dont froget IU LOVE IT
7/22/2012 c2 9IamTheBlaze
7/9/2012 c2 2ThunderNinjaBird
That was bit confusing, nice story but confusing because of the sentences could you please break them up? into a new line every time someone speaks.
7/8/2012 c1 Guest
Correction, posting as IAmTheBlaze, who is being too lazy to login :P

I love it! Great work, nice plot line, it's diffrent and you need to update. like NOW! That is an ORDER!
anyway Alex is amazing! (I love the name btws that was what I was going to call Jex!) and I can see a possible Tony-Alex, relationship or a Thor-Alex relationship or later a Loki-Alex one. however

WHERE CAP! I NEED CAPTIAN AMERICA HE AND ALEX SHOULD GET TOGTHER! (Slight warning, I am pschotically over protective of Hawkeye so just remember that, and I get Jealous easy! *Threatens*

Hawkeye: Blaze Honey back to the point,
Me: Right there was a point to this.
Tony:And that was,
Me: I love Clint?
Hawkeye: Yes and No, (laughs as I hug him*
Tony: it was about ther story, *glaring at me and Clint*
Me: Oh yeah! I'm over protective of Clint!
Hawkeye: *rolls eyes* not quite, *looks at you* What she means to say is that we love it and keep writing,
Me: Okay! Love from all of us! *waves holding clints hand*
7/7/2012 c1 Guest
This is great! It's a shame she is 17, her and Loki would make a good couple! Please continue :)

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