Just In
for Man Out of Time

12/13/2024 c1 4761394
Honest Abe vampire hunter meets Captain America in a bar at two in the morning
Not something I thought I’d be reading today

Good story
6/1/2018 c1 13Sailor Dragonball 87
Great job! How'd Abe get so far in the future?
7/20/2015 c1 Last Harukei
Whoa :D
6/30/2015 c1 4Skendo
Ooh! Nice twist I was expecting it to me Henry :D
1/28/2014 c1 Diamondheart07
This is very different I would like to see the reaction the avenger would have if they knew Lincoln was still alive. Can't wait for the next update
11/17/2013 c1 2Sir Deadpool
You know, I would have loved to read more of this...
7/28/2013 c1 251N Harmonic
don't people notice that the dude looks like abe Lincoln! I mean come on! I would of noticed, probably would of too his picture
2/8/2013 c1 19SwordMasterZ
if only steve new who he was talking to
1/20/2013 c1 7White Drakim 13

*faints from awesomenss*
1/3/2013 c1 Guest
the guy who played henry and tony dad are the same actor
1/2/2013 c1 17CapriceAnn Hedican-Kocur
oh, now this was good! ! ! !
12/28/2012 c1 3littlennoitra
Hey, Just a suggestion, Have you Ever realized how much alike Tony And Henry look? I would like to see a cross over for that Thank you for you time.
12/2/2012 c1 10Purple 'N' Blue Wings
brilliant! I really liked this.
Oh, and i liked the cover art...
11/5/2012 c1 Sean Malloy-1
Nice, but seemed too short.
10/5/2012 c1 Guest
Write another chapter! this has loads of potential!
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