Just In
for Squad 7 Meisters

6/11/2013 c2 Silver Heart11DOOM
more plz love it and will naruto find out the truth
7/24/2012 c2 NameMissing
Better. Defiantly not as rushed, still feels a little jumbled together but if you keep writing you should find a flow. The only part that really bothered me was the "with a flat screen television"... at least you didn't do what I have seem some authors do and put a X-Box or PS3 there too. Keep up the good work.
7/22/2012 c1 8The Keeper of Worlds
You are a comical genius-I #$%ING LOVE IT!-Keep it up and continue this story, definetly a solid build for a Naru/Saku you have set up, work with it-AND FOR NARUTO'S LOVE OF RAMEN, HOW IS KUSHINA ALIVE!-You are so going to need to make the next chapter VERY long my friend.
7/10/2012 c1 Guest
Not great, not terrible... I need to see more to be sure. Try not to shoehorn in things that don't fit just because you think it will get a cheap laugh or because its in Soul Eater. A cross-over does not mean you need to copy characters from one over characters from another. Try to mix personalities and traits or even not change some. Also this seemed a bit rushed with the whole plot, try slowing it down and finding a flow. Till I can see more, keep up the good work.
7/10/2012 c1 NameMissing
Not great, not terrible. You need to make sure not to shoehorn in anything for cheap laughs or because that is what a Soul Eater characters would do. Try to not copy and paste characters from one over onto another. Try to mix personalities and traits or even don't change some. A lot of cross-overs fail because they believe that each character must be equivalent to one from the cross-over. Also try to slow down your plot development it seemed rushed in this chapter. Try to find a nice steady flow and rhythm. Also original bloodline ability don't work out well normally too unbalanced or a blatant copy of one or more existing ones. Till I can see more, keep up the good work.
7/8/2012 c1 4the DragonBard
Not bad.

Has a few minor elements I disagree with, and some grammar mistakes (you forgot to capitalize Shinigami and Hokage a few times.)

Main thing I disagree with is the spiral eye you're giving Naruto. Why not give him either the Rinnegan, or the eye the Juubi had instead of this original kekkai genkai?

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