Just In
for A Jedi's Path

6/24 c1 2Ragnar92
It's been 10 years since I last read this, but I suddenly had an old memory resurface and thought of it again.

Let's see if it holds up as well as I remember.
10/22/2023 c34 GhostnKC
I understand you wrote yourself into a corner and respect that you acknowledge it. I also hope someone continues this story preferably you.
2/10/2023 c11 Arcane Warhammer
Okey What I said before (chapter 8) must be taken back. I apologize for the comment and jibe I've taken to the writer. I am sorry (as of chapter 11).
2/10/2023 c8 Arcane Warhammer
So a simp, no, not really just Jaina is a horrible entity who want keep HP as her simp and not beloved by anyone. I think writer is an woman. Last line was written before I look at writer's name.
1/14/2023 c34 6Mando-Vet
Really good story, too bad it feels as though it's been abandoned.
10/17/2022 c1 kingitou
Great story. I like it a lot but, I should have NTR warning


1. Mc and childhood friend love each other but both date someone else because reasons

2. Mc's girlfriend got raped and forced to beg for it.
7/7/2022 c34 Guest
Just put Astraal in the Harem with the other two
8/15/2021 c33 back2front
Just reread this, don't get why a good story has to become a shitty teenage wankfest. And then ending the story where you did because you didn't plan the basic story line out and didn't know where to go was a sick move. To fix the story just go back and delete all the parts where fucks every single female bar his mom and aunt or gets anyone he meets wetter than a veela on steroids in 30seconds of meeting him. As a child he apparently masters the force, but as soon as he gets a hardon vong, sith, spy networks, trillion credit companies, 2 apprentices all get forgotten so he can duck a twilek in the ass. It's literally like the last 10 chapters where written by different people who need to get laid.
12/29/2020 c1 PainedLife
I’m sad this stopped. I really was enjoying it. Nakia was an awesome character and the Harry/World you built was really entertaining.
12/9/2020 c17 Gunner711
Good story.
12/7/2020 c11 Gunner711
Good story.
5/25/2020 c22 4WithinTheMadness
It's too bad this story looks finished. Truthfully, I'm a bit surprised the harem thing didn't gain traction, joke or not.

Don't get me wrong, NOT having one when it's readily available (mostly monogamous female spy network hint much?) is a remarkable sign of character. And demonstrates the depth of his affections for the two leading ladies. But still, nice to entertain the idea
4/20/2020 c7 Um
Uhh... what or who is Naruto and what or who is Tomoe?
4/17/2020 c17 HAEVs Sha
Finally, he start to grow up. It make my mood better. And i am a fan of Revan, and faith is hk47?
4/17/2020 c14 HAEVs Sha
Because he is weak yet arrogant. You have a bad way describe it.. It frustating,,
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