Just In
for Roundabout Destiny

8/6/2022 c6 Jasminny
I am slightly gagging at the fact that Lucius kissed her after she hurled haha but it was a sweet scene. James' reaction to their break up was so perfect. I love the idea of Lily getting to see a side of James years ahead of canon because of Hermione Potter. At first, I was a bit aghast at you having Severus make a sibling blood pact to get him out the way haha but I think you reasoned it out well - Lily doesn't feel that way for him and he knew it but he was trying to force it because he didn't want to lose her/not have her in his life at all. Once Hermione explained that it's possible for Lily to have both James and Severus in her life, like Hermione did, he seemed to ease up
8/6/2022 c5 Jasminny
Sirius's denial about how he feels for Hermione is making me holler. This chapter has such nuanced writing that was so perfect. The way that Hermione watches James warily and that hurts him. I love this idea of James being upset with the fact that she calls him James (aka she is serious) and then so happy because he calls her Jaime again. Sigh poor Lucius being forced to do things for his family. You're making me feel bad for Death Eaters and I'm not sure I can forgive you :D I do like that Hermione Potter says that Lucius is just a kid (since that is true at this point in time).The sarcasm ("I suppose this is good night") at the end had me laughing so hard.
8/6/2022 c4 Jasminny
"Because he was a stupid boy" I love Hermione Potter. "My eyes are up here" this geeked me, I love your Lucius. The thought of old Hermione screeching but Hermione Potter just thinking about Lucius's "hard muscle under his robes" made me cackle. Man if I was 12 year old Reg, I'd be so spooked by black eyed Hermione saying such cryptic things lol. I am such a huge Sirmione shipper but I love that you're having her date Lucius first and I loved the ending of this chapter. The completion of the Map, the Marauders' obliviousness to Hermione dating Lucius, them sneak attacking her in the library. Perfection. This is good fanfic
8/6/2022 c3 Jasminny
I like how you're showing that she's different from canon Hermione and less a stickler for the rules because those rules are dumb lol. Sirius and James mocking Lily/Hermione's excitement when they see each other again was so spot on haha, very 13 year old-y. The tension from the altercation with Bellatrix was so perfect. I like, at the end of the chapter, the nod to other time travel fics ("popped out of the sky"). It's so true that it would seem strange (they would have her committed...) if she suddenly said she wasn't from this time since everyone's known her for years
8/6/2022 c2 Jasminny
I loved the line about Hermione understanding why Lucius was so angry with Draco and the context behind the leg up that they get from their pureblood education. "Even not choosing is a choice in the end" was a beautiful line and I wish most people understood it. Their relationship is so fun! I love that she teases him by pretending not know what he's talking about re: quidditch team tryouts and his "woman, don't you pay any attention to me" line haha. It was peak sibling energy. I like that you don't belabor these first few years when not as much happens but still give summaries of each year
8/6/2022 c1 Jasminny
Not sure if you still read reviews for your old stories :) but I loved this chapter. It was a great start and I am excited for all the cliches to come!

I loved the line "Restore the soul to its proper place" it gave me chills. I loved this chapter. It was so good at establishing their sibling relationship along with all the other characters. I like how most of it was canon with little extra bits sprinkled in. I also enjoyed that Hermione tried to explain to Lily how tough it is for Severus (even though it doesn't REALLY excuse his behavior). I'm a bit surprised Hermione left Lily behind in the library but she IS 11 so I guess the flight part of her won over. The last little bit was so sweet. I loved it
8/3/2022 c30 doreapotter85
My heart can't handle reading this AU very often, but i just finished it again. So amazingly written and so devastatingly heartbreaking. *chefs kiss*

Is the any back story to why Hermione never told them about her being a seer or being the lioness? Did Dorea and Charlus die in the war for the story starts or were they part of the bond breaking?
8/3/2022 c28 doreapotter85
I reread this story at least once a year but don't think I've ever commented. This is my very favorite fix it fic and I adore everything about it. Thank you so much for sharing this with the world.
7/28/2022 c30 snoopythepenguin
OMG I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve reread this story, but I just came across Repudiated Destiny. Then ending had me crying at 2am instead of studying for an exam.
7/27/2022 c28 1skylarann20
I FREAKING LOVE YOUR STORY! I have binge read the whole lot in a day! It’s truly incredible and beautifully written. Sirmione is one of my very favorite ships, but usually she’s back in the Marauder era via time travel. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy them thoroughly. But this was so different yet so fluid it seems so simple and believable. I love how the women stepped up and told the men to do their own needle point if it was so necessary to society as they knew it. I love how regardless of age, gender, or class everyone had a role in bringing down the threat. I love how Hermione was able to play her part as both hero and human. There was no super powerful, Merlin classed magic. just a girl with a vision, no pun intended, determination, and a whole league of family, friends, and allies ready and able to pick up the fight. A whole world of magic, mundane and otherwise, that still manages to be relatable. You are a truly brilliant writer and I look forward to reading more of your work. Thank you so much!
7/20/2022 c3 Komorebi
God, this is the second time I'm reading this in this month, I adore this story, love Hermione's thoughts and her sighs. This is my fav chapter. :)
7/13/2022 c30 gginsc
This last chapter was very painful. Sirius is truly an idiot.
7/13/2022 c19 gginsc
How careless of Hermione to be alone in Hogsmeade at this time! How could they not keep track of Peter?
7/11/2022 c28 Darkangel28541
Love this story. The AU makes me sad but I still like it. I think the author should make an AU about Hermione being reborn as Hermione Potter in Hermione Granger's life. Sirius' reaction would be hilarious!
7/11/2022 c30 75aaronlisa
I really enjoyed this story. The last chapter broke my heart.
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