Just In
for Roundabout Destiny

6/14 c30 Anon
Damn, this made me cry. Kudos.
5/25 c30 3EolClowRidlley
I love a happy ending, but I was snared by the repudiation ending I almost cried. Such a good read thank you
5/10 c30 Beth1112
I really enjoyed your story.
4/26 c30 Bookworm4always
Totally cool! I didnt need my heart anyway, useless organ.
4/11 c30 Tats
loveeeed this story, read it all in one sitting! Balled my eyes out on this chapter tho! Omg...!
4/8 c30 bookworm2682
I don't have words to describe how much I love your writing. And this story. Please never stop.
4/8 c30 Lyssyloo1331
Wow wow wow. I’ve read this story before and I came back to read it again because I loved it the first time. Somehow I never saw the repudiation story at the end. I can’t remember the last time that I cried from a fanfic. This was so well-written and heart wrenching. Thank you for such a wonderful story.
4/6 c30 12SuperSlyly
Amazing story. not rivial as a lot f time-travel stories. iI like the "conflict" between 2 Hermions. And for 2 ending. even if hate nhe, bcs of real life. this one was extremely well written.
read whole story on one breathe, and cried my eyes and used a whole box of kleenex.
2/29 c30 1horoscorpio
Oh wow i love this story about repudiation. I hoped Lily would use her blood-sister bond to help Hermione, but also enjoyed the sad slope of what you wrote. Thanks for sharing!
2/5 c28 Rudo the Barbarian Hero
In this story I love the Ladies Aide Society, the Domina & military, the twitching of McGonagall 's eye, the Lioness & animagi, ...
2/2 c20 ressmania
Kekurangan cerita initetiba ada Crooks dan menghilang setelah ga dibutuhin cerita
2/1 c17 ressmania
Bayangin Sirius beneran Ben pas di Narnia, dan Hermione adl Emma. beuh cakep2 bgt, anaknya bakal kaya gimana itu
1/25 c1 LennyFaceSupplier
httpsdiscord. gg/aCtqGer5
1/25 c28 asdasd
What a great story, thanks. There are too few seer mc stories out there where they actually matter
1/25 c17 asd
Again, rather than stand up for her self, hermione just cries alone. whyyyy
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